These are attendees from Group 33, Altiplano CD, 1968-70:
Next two photos -- first is serious, second is "less restrained": (back l to r) Dave Dolson, Rita Herbst, Craig Sullivan, Judy Costlow, Georgia Gustafson. (front l to r) Vickie Carlyle, Edie McAlpin, Peter Kalnay, Barb Belden.
[photo from Barb Belden--We're gathering group photos--so please send yours in!]
This group shot shows another member in their group: Eugenie Flaherty (middle row, right end). She was with us in training and then dropped out but actually worked in La Paz for many months after the rest of us arrived.
(back l to r) Judy Costlow, Rita Herbst, Georgia Gustafson. (middle l to r) Barbara Belden, Edie McAlpin, Vickie Carlyle, Eugenie (Nanie) Walsh Flaherty (front l to r) Peter Kalnay, Craig Sullivan, Dave Dolson