Musica boliviana

Music from the Andes & Nearby Regions

"I've been collecting music from the Andean Cordillera during college and for years afterward. Please e-mail any corrections or comments. There is a wide - and growing - variety of examples here. I hope you'll be inspired to look further into the music and other sociocultural facets of the Andes region and South America in general. Be sure to check your local listings for live performances of this music. CDs are also available." -Jim Duncan webmaster and creator of Boleadora.Com

[Following are selections identified as Bolivian from the music files sections at Other songs listed are of interest as well.]

Music Files: Medleys from the Andes

Bolivia Medley: Go to Music Medleys & click on the Bolivian flag.
1. Huaylicha - Eddy Navia
2. Ajllanquirita - Oscar grajeda
3. Kalanchito - Savia Andina
4. Ojos Azules - Inti Illimani
5. A los Bosques - Savia Andina
6. Tema Andina - Unknown
7. Bailecito for charango - Unknown
8. Verbeñita - Savia Andina
9. Huayno boliviano - Unknown

Music Files: Music from the Andes

Music from the Andes (page 1)
3. Minero, Savia Andina
4. Doloroso, Altiplano
15. Boquerón Abandonado, ZulmaYgar
17. Vereñita, Savia Andina
27. Siete Leguas, Rafael Arias Pazy cjto

Music from the Andes (page 2)
1. Al Pobre, ZulmaYungar
4. Quien Ha Querido, Savia Andina
6. Ojos Azules, Inti-Illimanti
14. Con Sentimento Profundo, Florencia Oros
16. Kalanchito, Savia Andina
25. Selección de Bailecitos, Oscar GrajedaY "Surcos Folkloricos

Music from the Andes (page 3)
1. Chocolito de Chacra Ajena
8. Fiesta Nativa, Inkhay
9. Oilcomayu, Kollahuara
11. A los Bosquea, Savia Andina
22. Huayno de la Roca, La Incas
26. Tres Baliecitos, Las Incas

Music from the Andes (page 4)
1. Mama India, Los Yuras
3. Villancico Tradiciona lde Sucre, Jaime Torres
14. Paloma, SaviaNueva
19. Juro Amarte, Jaime Torres
20. Arbolito de Durazno, Machu Picchu
28. Culily Campasillita, Los Laris
31. La Rosa y La Espina

Music Files: Los Incas

1. Ya Se Va
2. La Llave
4. Risas De Bolivia
6. Cochabamba
7. Danza Wipfala
9. La Caserita
8. El Condor Pasa

Music Files: Los Chacos

3. Estampa Boliviana, Bailecito/vidala

Music FIles: Urubamba