(above) Peruvian President Alan Garcia. Photo: ANDINA/Hector Vinces President Garcia hands out property titles in Puno Lima, Apr. 02 (ANDINA). Peruvian President Alan Garcia has traveled to the southeastern Puno region to hand out 18,388 land titles to the same number of families living in urban and rural areas. Housing, Construction and Sanitation Minister Juan Sarmiento and the Director of Peru's Commission for the Formalization of Informal Property (Cofopri), Fredy Hinojosa, accompany the president on the trip. The Peruvian government has invested more than 8.7 million soles (US$3.1 million) in the handing out of property titles to 8,061 and 10,327 families in Puno's urban and rural areas, respectively. The project will benefit households in twelve provinces of Puno, namely Huancane (3,738), Puno (3,042), Melgar (2,970), Moho (1,658), Carabaya (1,366) and Azangaro (1,014). Only in Puno, Cofopri provided 66,314 land certificates between August 2006 and February 2011.