Jenne Margot McINTYREMcINTYRE, Jeanne Margot BA, MEd, MLS
Jeanne was born in Utica, New York, to Lillian H. and Enoch H. Walter. The family moved to Dearborn, Michigan, where she spent her elementary through high school years. During her senior year of high school, she became as interested in a fellow classmate, William McIntyre, as he was in her and the result was 65 years of marriage and a lifetime of love and memories. Devoted to a life of service for children, she served in a Scottish orphanage, Michigan pre-schools, a federal Head Start program in Minnesota, and the DISD and Richardson ISD in Texas. During two years in the Peace Corps, Jeanne taught in Peru and established an elementary school library and designed a curriculum support program for the Yungay School District. Jeanne's warmth and love of children was always clear to them who flocked around her like moths to a light. At John T. Rhodes (DISD) the older brother of one of her students accused her of being Black but passing as White because "No White woman is nice as you." When she became physically incapacitated in 2013, she moved to assisted living at the Villages of Lake Highlands. This past June, she moved to hospice care at Dallas Presbyterian Hospital. She was very appreciative of the thoughtful care she received from all the professionals. In addition to her husband Bill in Garland, Jeanne is survived by extended family in Maine, Michigan, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida. A memorial service is planned in Florida. |