Updates |
are on top.
Oldest at bottom.
Click on message# to go to it. |
• Click here to: Post
a message
Messages will be posted
within a day. |
Msg115 Thank you Tom Yerg!
Msg114 Thank you Fred Wepprecht!
Msg113 Updates to Bolivia Grps
Msg112 Photos -Thanks, Alan Rom!
Msg111 Reunion Photos Posted...
Msg110 Remembrances Posted....
Msg109 Sharing Reunion Photos
Msg108 ¡¡Awesome Reunion!! ¡Sips!
Msg106 Ed & Lee & Emily Reverie
Msg105 More people and More Bios!
Msg104 CHUTZPAH competition...
Msg103 Prize at Reunion Offered
Msg102 See you Friday!!
Msg101 Session on Saturday??
Msg100 PCV Listings...
Msg 99 Calendar of Events at Estes
Msg 98 "Reality Tourism"
uses Bolivia
Msg 97 Attendees mapped
Msg 96 Bolivian Independence Day
Msg 95 Future Reunions: In-country?
Msg 94 FYI Future PC Reunions brewing
Msg 93 Memo re: Ending PC /Bolivia '71
Msg 92 Estes
Box Lunches & local tours
90 More ADD-ON attendees!
Msg 89 Estes: 2 adds--2 drops
Msg 88 Miguel Schieche, Grp 40 Bio Up
Msg 87 from J&D Mulfinger, Grp 32
86 More Reunion-- Important!!!
Msg 85 Carol Romey, Grp 33 Bio Up
Msg 84 Reunion Activities Listed
Msg 83 Coordinate Rides to Estes
82 From Karen Ostenso (Beck)
Msg 81 Reunion Group 30
Msg 80 Reunion News...
Msg 79 Training Bios Grp 36 online
Msg 78 Photos of Salar de Uyuni
Msg 77 Help Id Group 33 people
76 Peter Stubben '71 Article
Msg 75 Speakers?
Msg 74 Music at Estes...
Msg 73 Volleyball/Tennis Anyone?
Msg 72 from Dennis Holt grp 23
Msg 71 Early Years of PC/Bolivia
Msg 70 from Jeff Siefert gp 33
Msg 69 Revised Reunion List
68 Tom Finan foto...
Msg 67 Registration Help!
66 Estes Reunion Help...
Msg 65 re the Arbuckles
64 Photos Others Groups
Msg 63 from Trish Muldugno
Msg 62 from Anne Terborgh
61 from Frank Keim
Msg 60 from Tom Finan
Msg 59 from Julia Moore
Msg 58 Music--John Smith
Msg 57 from Joan V (White)
Msg 55 Group Mug Shot Bklts?
Msg 54 Posting Photos...
Msg 53 Condor & 1971 PC
Msg 52 Changing Format...
Msg 51 From Judy Moore...
Msg 50 IDs made! Thanks!
Msg 49 DesPUES #4
Msg 48 From George Smith
Msg 47 ID: George Smith, etc |
Biog Book for Group 28
Tom Yerg has sent in pdf files of the Biographies Booklet for Group 28 -- THANKS!
It is now posted in Links Section, with the others, available for download.
Tom is looking for pictures and stories and people from his grop, Bolivia 28-TB Control. If you know of anyone fromthe group or have pictures of them, please contact him through this site.
Group lists for grops 13-27.
Fred Wepprecht has sent in lists for groups 13 to 27 from PC DIrectory in 1966 -- THANKS!
It is now posted in Links Section, with the others, available for download.
PeopleSection Revamped
To accomodate more names as the group lists are building, the People Section has been restructured. You can choose to go to various group lists that are now included. AS more namesand information emerge, they will be added:
- names,
- sites,
- years of service.
- pictures
- training biographies
- remembrances for deceased
- biography of your service and since service
You can also inspect and/or download lists of people listed in ABC order or by group.
Help us add more names, find their contact addresses.
Send them in to Don Beck, webmaster. |
More Reunion Photos In and posted
Alan Rom sent in a slew of photos from the Reunon-- THANKS!
- Many of which are now online.
- Displays have been revised and expanded
- More than 200 photos now posted
- Captions to be added daily
Please send in your suggestions for captions and stories to go with any pictures you see
And send in more pictures to put up! |
Reunion Photos posted
Reunion Photos Posted on this website now...
- Work in progress
- Links to larger versions of "thumbnails" shown to be added daily...
- Photos of all Attendees: Many thanks to Bil Baedke who worked to get everyone's picture!
- Misc Photos: Photos from Terry Linkletter, Paul Fisher, Bill Baedke, Barb & John Field, and more...
- Groups photos
Send in your photos to share the collection.
Peace ---Don Beck |
Remembrances collected at Estes are posted... (a few pictures more to be added)
All the remembrances (about 20+) received have been posted (see Bios section, under Remembrances).
- Please send in any corrections or additions.
- Some were unsigned... if you see yours unsigned, please let me know so your name can be added.
- Feel free to add more of tyour what's already posted, or to some not yet posted...
- Also pass on pictures to post under Remembrances as well.
Don Beck |
Sharing photos from the reunion...
PS Paul Fisher has posted some pics as well... ADD YOURS TOO!!!
thanks Paul!!!
Date: August 20, 2007
From: Terry Linkletter, Grp 40
RE: Fotos from Estes Reunion
Hello, everyone. . .
This reunion at Estes Park was a memorable life highlight for me.
I recommend that for now we use to share the pictures taken by those who were there. It's an easy environment.
- Using your web browser, go to, where you will see this:
- For the Email Address, always type
- For the Password, always type chicha
- Click the Sign In button
- Now you will see this:
- Click See All Albums. If there is a picture album you would like to
view, double-click it.
- If you would like to create a new album from photos on your computer,
click Upload photos and follow the instructions. Give the album your name,
so the rest of us will know it's yours.
Note that because we all sign in with the same name, we can add color commentary to anybody's photos. You are welcome to do this - and give your name in your commentary: (e.g. TerryL)
--Terry Linkletter
Awesome Reunion...
Thanks to all who participated -- setting it up and most importantly, attending and sharing again. We're ALL still bringing it back home. A good idea that just goes on!
Such a wonderful time! Too short!
- So many conversations.
- The joy of wonderful smiles.
- The "catching up" on so many years.
- The still-meaningful-dream alive and well.
Let's do it again!
Share your thoughts and pictures.. they will be posted here.
This site will continue... as will Chichas-Bolivia googel group! |
A source to buy Bolivian items
Date: August 21, 2007
From: Jeff Fletcher, Group 29
Here's a link that might be worth putting on the website at some point:
Bolivia -- see Links for more info
Ed & Lee & Emily Reverie!
... from Chichas-Bolivia Google Group messgaes
Date: August 13, 2007
From: Lee Arbuckle, Staff
RE: Thoughts on native prairies from
Emily Dickinson
Hello all,
Maggie and I have been pretty tied up on developing a native
grass seed and wildflower seed harvester for the past five years. The best
definition of insanity is a one track mind.
Jerry and Terry Perkins have spoken to us a few times through the
looking glass in that time.
Then this piece of poetry
To make a prairie it takes a clover and one
One clover, and a bee,
And reverie.
The reverie alone will do
If bees are few
Emily Dickinson (1830-86)
So now we need time for the reverie.
See you in Estes.
Date: August 14,
From: Ed Stoll, Grp 31 (Honorary 30 tambien)
Your salute to the prairie through Emily Dickinson perfect for
the moment as I sit here in lobby of the YMCA in Este Park looking
once more at the grandeur of the Colorado Rockies, a light rain falling.
you soon.
Thanks, Lee! Thanks Ed!
As 100+ of us begin to wing, drive, and amble our way to
join you! |
4 New Bios -- and -- Another Attendee!
Welcome to Stacy Rhodes--
who used to go by "Bill" -- from group 34 who will be attending the
Reunion. Has
to travel Friday late, so is planning to arrive Estes Saturday AM.
We're looking forward to seeing you Bill, er, Stacy!!!
In his email to Dwight Steen:
Some news and a quick question or two: I have
just been able to arrange things at work and at home so I now can actually
come out to Denver/Estes Park for at least some of the Bolivia old-RPCV
Reunion, and I am very excited about doing this. I just got a reservation
on United Fl. 933 from DC on Friday 8/17, which doesn't get into Denver
until11:25 PM Friday night. I couldn't get off work here Friday so I can't
get out there for the Friday evening events, unfortunately. But I will
try to rent a car at the Airport and if I can find a cheap motel on the
road from the Airport to Estes Park to sleep, I will be able to get up
there Saturday AM at a decent hour. I guess I will have to do the formal
registration at that time on Sat. AM, if possible, but I don't see that
option on the reunion website (is there some way to do it online now?).
In any case, I am excited about coming and look forward to it. I will fly
on to Tucson out of Denver on Monday AM. I can't believe that I will actually
see Gino Baumann, Fred Caploe, Pete Gendebien, Jerry Perkins and Lou Stelzner
all in one place again; amazing.
.... There's more to his letter... but the rest is now under his Bio.
Check in Bios under other groups...
Anyway, Dwight, I hope to see you (and Don Beck) next Saturday. Any
recommendations from either of you on how to register/participate in
the reunion, etc. will be welcomed. Also, Dwight, if you have a suggestion
as to where I should crash this Friday night (around midnight) I would
appreciate that -- is there a "Motel 6" (with the light on)
along the road from the Denver airport toward Estes Park?? Looking forward
to hearing from you soon and seeing you this weekend.
Best, Bill/Stacy Rhodes
New Bios:
Stacy Rhodes, Larry Crowley, Michael Fox, Peter Hansen... under Bios section
Other groups... |
CHUTZPAH Competition -- Bring your
best Chuspa
Date: August 13,
From: Peer Hansen, Group 36
RE: CHUSPA Competition / Exhibition -
Bring your best Chuspa
The reunion organizers urged us to bring along some items from our
days in Bolivia to provide some local color and show to the others.
item easy to pack is a CHUSPA, which is the small handwoven bag used
to carry coca leaves. I will bring a few along and suggest that anyone
else who has one stored away do the same. We can exhibit them and have
a straw poll on the best design.
Trading chuspas could also be in order.
Other weavings would also be easy to pack and interesting to exhibit.
Estes, Pedro Hansen
Sounds more like a "Chutzpah" competition.... not Quechua, but
Yiddish... Pedro says, Hasta Estes!!! ¡¡¡Sips!!! |
Prize for BEST STORY....
Date: August 13,
From: Peter Hansen, Group 36
RE: Prize for Best Story about Peace
Corps Days in Bolivia
As those who have checked out the list of proposed activities at the
Estes reunion may have seen, there is a story telling session scheduled
for Sunday night after dinner. For that session, I am offering a prize
of a genuine, handwoven, Tarabucu AWAYO for the best (most entertaining)
For those who forget their Quechua, an AWAYO is a rectangular cloth
worn around the shoulders and used to carry bundles (babies, food,
etc.), basically, a Cholla's backpack. The awayo on offer is a multi-colored
striped orange / earthen tone
weaving that is about 50 years old, which I bought in 1971 and has
been tucked away ever since.
Worthy of a good story, so refresh those
old memories.
Pedro Hansen
Memories & Friendships...See you Friday!!!
Date: August 13,
From: Lee Arbuckle, Staff
RE: See you on Friday!
Hello old friends and friends to be made,
It's incredible how this all came together so well thanks to Ed, Wally,
Don Beck, Pat Edwins and many others. I'm getting really excited. Lots
of friends I haven't seen for a long, long time. Now I wonder why it didn't
happen earlier.
Life is willed, accidental, serendipitous, and the product of thousands
of good and bad decisions. Something there was that took us all to Bolivia
at that period of time at that age in our lives. Those values, that decision,
chance and that remarkable country left their marks on us.and none of us
has ever looked at the world through the same knothole again.
Let the memories be recounted, friendships be renewed, and a tip of the
hat in remembrance of those who've passed on.
--See you Friday
Lee Arbuckle
Reunion Program... session
on Saturday??
Date: August 12,
From: Dennis Holt, Group 23
(taken from Bolivia-Chichas Google Group Site)
RE: Session on Saturday?
Dear friends & fellow former volunteers,
This is a follow-up to my statement on this site a few weeks ago that
in connection with the planning & scheduling for our upcoming reunion & conference,
in addition to my role as instigator & implementer
of activities involving music & poetry, I wish to be taken seriously
as a political visionary.
For many years, I have been actively promoting a renewed vision of this
place we call home: the United States of America. Since about
1968, when I was in my third year as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Bolivia,
I have been developing (in recent months with the assistance
of a number of others) a scheme by which we "good-guys" just
might be able to regain control over the governmental processes & procedures
of this national behemoth that we have been riding around inside the
belly of, lo these many years - this US of A: a whale of a thing that,
in recent years, has somehow - as a whole, as some sort of conceptualizable
whole -abandoned or abdicated or eschewed many of its foundational
principles as they are embodied in our Constitution.
And, as I have been hinting, & even
more blatantly suggesting & instigating since the outset of this
Iraq-debacle, what we need really
quick is something like a new Runymede, a conclave on a common field,
a reconstitutive assembly, wherein we form a pact among us, that henceforth
we shall be & do as now we see is best for all of us: a return
to certain foundational principles, with an explicit avowal to
stick to them better next time 'round.
... (go to Chichas
Google Group to read the rest of Dennis' heartfelt & lengthy message...
and to Dennis' site for more information )
Can we schedule a session on Saturday afternoon so we can talk some about
all of this? I also think it would be good to have a
discussion, panel- or otherwise, about the overall cosmic & historical
significance of Che Guevara, who also served as a volunteer in Boliviaat
the time we did, though under quite different circumstances.
Well, obviously I've said more than enough for a single e-missive. Please
excuse any excessive verbosity. I'm looking forward to seeing
many of you again after all these years & to meeting many of you
for the first time.
¡Viva la paz y nada más!
Muy atentamente,
Dennis "Nicho" Holt
PCV Listings...excerpted
Date: August 11,
From: Bill Miller, Grp 41
RE: LIstings of PCVs
Here's what I remember as far as postings: ...[sites listed of
most from his Group 41, see People]
Root was in a little place called San Antonio, over by Lake Titicaca.
He was on a hillside and had an amazing view of the Lake. I spent a
week with him during in-country training. Alan Brown was in Sewenkani(spelling?)
on the Rio Mauri, just north of my site(General Camacho).
I didn't travel
much to other PCVs' sites. We collected together at the Hotel Torino
in La Paz on paydays(and often inbetween).Got fried chicken at The
Crazy Horse and great chinese food at a Red Chinese restaurant that
sold copies of Mao's little red book of sayings. Good German food at
The Rathskellar(sp?) where gunrunners and mercenaries used to hang
out and drink beer.
1. I believe the Sibleys trained in Escondido.
2. I believe Alan Brown trained at Beaver Mountain
3. My group included... [see Group 41, listed
in People]
That's 18,
including myself. So I'm probably forgetting someone. In fact, I think
there was one more couple. Their name escapes me right now, except
that the guy was a Bob, I think. Pollock?
Pepe and Carol Moline might be able to clear this
up for you. They've had more contact with some of the others, too.
We did most of our language training and day-to-day stuff at Beaver
Mountain. We went in to Logan and the Utah State campus when we worked
sheep, got vaccinations. We played around with irrigation on a small
piece of ground out by Bear Lake on the Utah/Idaho border.
I'd like to have my name listed on your site. I was in Bolivia from
70-71. Trained at Utah State and Beaver Mountain. I'm thinking our
group number was 42. But I've long since lost our mug book. And I'm
in the middle of moving right now, so most of my PC stuff is all packed
away. But I do have our in-country training schedule somewhere. That
may have our group number on it.
When we got booted, I spent my last year in Venezuela.
In Bolivia, I was stationed
at first in Camacho(on the train line to Arica). Transferred in to
El Alto and helped build the Escuela Sandra Smith. Hung out a lot with
Jerry and Judy Sibley. Did in-country training with Alan Brown and
Jim Root, and a week at Patacamaya.
I was hoping to make it to the reunion. But I'm going through a divorce,
house sale and moving. I really wish I could make it. Sounds like all
will have a great time.
My e-mail address is: I don't mind having
it listed. It's a kick to hear from old friends and acquaintances.
--Thanks. Bill Miller
Estes Events Calendar
Date: August 8,
From: Bill Baedke, Grp 32
RE: Estes Happenings Calendar
I came across this calendar of events in Estes Park, which seems to
have things like various music concerts, antique cars, and a cowboy
sing-a-long for the time we will be there:
--Bill Baedke
Thanks Bill! Here is a Summary of
Estes Calendar Events from 8/16-8/20 made from the calendar...
Though many events conflict timewise, family members, spouses, guests
may prefer a different activity.
Reality Tourism uses Boivia [and elsewhere...]
Date: August 9,
From: Gloria Levin, Amigos de Bolivia
RE: Reality Tourism...
The Latin American Studies Assoc will be meeting in Montreal soon.
They have a film festival. One of the movies to be screened is:
Can't Do it in Europe. USA, 2006.
Copcutt, Anna Weitz and Anna Klara Ahren, dirs. 46 mins.
English and Spanish with English subtitles
The film portrays the new phenomenon of "reality tourism," whereby
bored American and European travelers seek out real-life experiences
as exciting tourist "adventures." It follows a group of
such international tourists as they visit the mines in Potosi, where
Bolivian miners work by hand, just as they did centuries ago, to extract
silver from the earth.
Fuller description of Can't Do it in Europe listed in Links from one of the dritributors. |
See where Reunion Attendees are from...
Check the US map (sorry for those outside... you're listed just not as
"visually") to see where folks are coming from for the Estes Reunion. We
have information on all but four as to what state/country they are from.
Go into Reunion section, "Where
from" prompt..... takes you to a US map
indicating how many are from different states...
Where do the most come from?
Who is coming the farthest? |
BOlivia Independence Day...
Date: August 6,
From: Don Dilworth
RE: Bolivia's Independence Day
I was expecting some one to raise the subject... but 182 years ago
today (August 6,1825) Bolivia became an country throwing off the yoke
of Spanish rule. "Que Viva Boliva!!!"
--Don Dilworth, Grp 40
From: Ed Stoll, Grp 31
From Gerry Bendix, Grp 36
And a volley of musket fire flys into the blue Bolivian sky!
For any future reunions we might
have ...
Date: August 7,
From: Richard Widman
RE: Just a thought..
Just a thought, but for those that make it to the reunion, and think
about one next year or some other time, from August 15 to October or
so, the air fare from most parts of the US is not much more than it
is to Colorado from the rest of the US.
For example: right now American Airlines has September
fares at $548 from DC. And the hotels are definitely cheaper. Also
a chance to see how manyof the projects still stand and help the people.
Widman, RPCV Grp 32, 1968-71 (one of those ejected),
Good Luck & 50th PC Celebrations
coming up ...
Date: August 7,
From: Gloria Levin, President
of Amigos de Bolivia y Peru, RPCV in Peru
RE: PC Plans for Various 50th
The 50th anniversary of PC will be celebrated in 2011.
- Events will
be organized in each of the countries where PC has ever served; as
you know, PC is back in Bolivia (and later, Peru). So that's an opportunity
for a future reunion in country.
- Another will be at the JFK Presidential
Library in Boston.
- Also, PC has reserved The Kennedy Center
in DC for
March 1, 2011 for a yet to be determined event.
- But the big event will
be held (partially) on the National Mall in DC for several days around
July 4, 2011. PC reserved a space adjacent to the annual National
Folklife Festival, and the idea is to hold the 50th anniversary reunion
there (probably in big tents as was done at earlier such events)
but with the added intention of educating visitors to the Festival
(estimated at one million annually) about issues of global development
and peace.
- Of course, social events, etc. will be held
away from the Mall -- at the hotel and/or local colleges, organized by RPCV country
groups (via the National Peace Corps Association, NPCA).
PC cannot set the content of or organize the events, so RPCVs [and
RPCSs] will have to step up to do so. (For those a bit out of
touch -- "RPCV" =
returned Peace Corps Volunteer [& "RPCS" = returned
Peace Corps Staff].)
The expectation is that alumni groups, such as Amigos de Bolivia y
Peru, will organize events and reunions related to "their countries" to
commemorate the 50th.
Our newsletter, Yachaspa, will keep Amigos members updated
on developments, as will our website. Amigos Board members -- Jeff
Fletcher and Diane Hibino -- will be signing up members onsite at the
Estes reunion. Don Beck is our webmaster. If you're not attending the
reunion, check in Links here for
info on becoming a member and/or contributing to our Kantuta fund (which
makes grants to current PCVs in Bolivia for their community based projects).
Have a great time at the reunion!! Kudos to the organizers for doing
such a splendid job.
Gloria Levin, President - Amigos de Bolivia y Peru
- (Arequipa, Peru 66-8 -- Gino was my "boss")
Date: August 7, 2007
From: Wally Higgins
I like the idea of a Reunion at the JFK Library. A beautiful site
and an appropriate venue for such a celebration. I also happen to
live in Boston.
--Wally Higgins
Baumann Memo of 1971 for
Date: August 7,
From: Peter Hansen
RE: Baumann Memo of 1971
For the historical archive, here's another item I found in my file
on our days in Bolivia. This two-page memo from Gino recaps
the reasons why the Bolivian Government asked the PC to leave and
offers some concluding thoughts to the volunteers. |
You may wish to include it on the webpage you created for the reunion.
--Peter M. Hansen, Asuncion, Paraguay
(See .pdf file: BaumannMemo5.24.71.pdf, memo titled, "End
of PC Operation in Bolivia")
Thanks Peter! Its listed and downloadable here now, thanks to you,
under Links. |
YMCA Estes Park Center Box Lunches;
Visiting the Stanley Museum and Hotel ...
Date: August 6,
From: Edward Stoll,
RE BoxLunches & Visiting places in Estes
Hi all Bolivia Peace Corps reunion people,
It won't be long now. As we approach the reunion we need to mention
a couple of things that may help you make your stay in the Estes Park,
Colorado area more enjoyable.
1. Those of you who are staying in the accommodations reserved
for our reunion have 3 meals a day included in the price of your room. If
you plan an activity which will not permit you to return to the Estes
Park Center Dining room in time for lunch you can arrange for a box
lunch. The YMCA requires, however,
that we notify them 24 hours in advance if a box lunch is needed. So,
if you know your will want, or think you might want, a box lunch for
Saturday, August 18, we will need to order it before 11:30 a.m. on
Friday. If you will want a box lunch for Saturday, August 18, please
e-mail me by Monday, August 13. I can't guarantee I will get your e-mail
after that since I will be traveling to Estes Park early in the morning
on August 14. Orders for box lunches for Sunday can be placed on Saturday.
If you want to spend any significant amount of time in Rocky Mountain
National Park on Saturday for instance, I would suggest you order a
box lunch.
2. One of the places some of you may want to
visit is the Stanley Hotel ( located
in Estes Park. The Stanley
Hotel which opened in 1909 was build by F.O. Stanley, an inventor and
entrepreneur who was a native of Kingfield, Maine and was best know
for the Stanley Steamer automobiles he and his twin brother built in
Newton Massachusetts in the late 1800's and early 1900's. F.O. Stanley
came to Colorado on his doctor's orders and eventually purchased a
large tract of land in what is now Estes Park. He built the Stanley
Hotel, a road into the Estes Park area, a power plant to serve his
hotel and the town and was instrumental in the formation of Rocky Mountain
National Park in 1915. The Stanley Hotel was at least in part the inspiration
for Stephen King's book The Shining which was made into a movie and
later a TV mini-series. The original movie was, I believe, not filmed
at the Stanley Hotel, but the TV mini-series was.
The non-profit Stanley Museum, based in Kingfield Maine has a branch
in Estes Park and they give a tour of their museum and talk about the
history of the Stanley family and then connect up with a tour of the
Stanley Hotel conducted by the hotel staff. The hotel charges $10 per
person. The visit to the museum and the tour of the hotel take about
2 hours. I have talked to my contacts in Estes Park and have been told
that if we have at least 20 people who will want to tour the museum
and hotel on Sunday morning from approximately 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.,
this can be arranged. There is also the possibility of a tour on Saturday
morning and/or Monday morning at the same time if at least 10 persons
sign up. So, if you are interested in hearing the Stanley story and
seeing the hotel please e-mail me by Friday of this week because the
tours need to be arranged in advance. If you have a preferred day please
indicate that day and if you are flexible please let me know that also.
My e-mail address is:
Hasta pronto en Colorado,
Ed Stoll
Weather forecast and records at Estes...
Daily weather watch to see what kind of weather we can expect.
This weeks
appears to probability of thunder showers, which seem to scattered showers
for past few days.
Sun later in week...
Watch it unfold--- check daily.. Weather Watch
You can also click to go to the Web to fuller information. |
More Add-on attendees...
Mike Bloom & Lonna
Bloom (Pelton) both of Grp 9 will be attending.
Rita Horoguchi (Herbst) of Grp 33 & husband
will be attending.
Brings Reunion total of 108 to 76 PC people and 32 guests...
Add-on and drops...
Mary Isabel Rajcan (Grp 29) and Steve
Kraft (Grp 36) send their regrets
that they will be unable to attend as planned.
Ken Rustad (Anyone know his group?) and Lee
Hougen (Staff) are able
to come for most if not all the Reunion. |
Another Bio posted...
If you're coming to the Reunion, let people know more about you beforehand--->
send in a bio!
Check out Miguel Schieche, Goup 40, Bio in Bios--Other
Thanks Miguel!!!! |
Email from other trainees in Group
32 ...
Date: August 3,
From: J & D Mulfinger
RE Training with Group 32
It is great to hear from our PC friends of forty years ago. What a
fun group and how sad that Jan and I were purged right at the end of
our training. Being pregnant and going to Bolivia were not compatible
back then. We have carried many fine memories and have kept in touch
with Dick Engen and occasionally Peggy Borschers (now Agnew).
Jan and I have had a great life in those forty years, she as chef
and catering manager and I as an architect. We have two daughters and
soon our fourth grandchild.
We followed Detroit training with a two year stint in Boston and a
few years later with a two glorious years in
Rome, Italy. Since 1976 we have been back in Minneapolis although we
sneak back to Italy as often as possible.
For the first decade after Detroit we stayed close to Tony and Peggy
Borschers, sharing vacations and even the event of Woodstock. They
have long since divorced and we only have seen Peggy when travel takes
us through the Dayton, Ohio area.
Jan retired after a few decades of cooking for restaurants at our
local art centers and she now take grandmothering seriously along with
keeping me propped up and in the race.
I have a fun architectural practice (see, write on the
subject of cabins in a local journal and a few books and teach architecture
at the University of Minnesota or occasionally elsewhere.
We write this email as a catastrophe in our city puts a pale over
local life, i. e. the collapse of 35W bridge. Our family, friends and
colleagues are all OK and are not the unfortunate who were homeward
bound last evening.
We look forward to hearing your stories and hope that in all our collective
futures there exists US administrations that see the value of the Peace
Corps as greater than the value of War Corps.
Dale and Jan Mulfinger
More details of the reunion...
Posted under Reunion: agenda and registration details you will have on
Friday Aug 17.
You should also receive this in an email about this as well!!!!
WELL worth while to read before then!!!
¡Hasta Estes, pues! |
Another Bio posted...
If you're coming to the Reunion, let people know more about you beforehand--->
send in a bio!
Check out Carol Romey, Goup 33, Bio in Bios--Other Groups.
Thanks Carol!!!! |
Descritpion of Reunion Activities:
look it over ...
Check out Agenda & Program under Reunion -- more a visual summary.
Date: July 29, 2007
From:Wally Higgins
RE Summary of Reunion Activities/Planning
Attached (download Word .doc file) is a full-blown description
(including stuff still under consideration) of what your Program Team
(Lee Arbuckle, Don Beck, Judy Costlow, Pat Edwins, Paul Fisher, Wally
Higgins, Carol Romey, Dwight Steen, Ed Stoll) has proposed:
- Below is a summary of
key elements.
- We ask you to sign up on Friday evening for those parts in which you are interested, to get a sense
of numbers.
- It will also be possible to readjust programming, based
on what people are most drawn to.
- The idea is to have fun, and allow
as much "self-organizing" as
The program planning effort, really, is intended to stir up excitement
and ideas --- as well as, encourage people to come prepared to share
their learnings and lives of the last 40+ years.
The attachment (still forthcoming) is made up of:
1. Agenda
2. Program Option Details
3. Other Ideas under consideration
4. Mock
Sign-up sheet
On Friday afternoon, please plan to go to the Bolivia Reunion Check-In
You will get room assignment, keys etc.
Pat Edwins has been circulating information on that subject.
Feel free
to volunteer some time at the desk.
When you check in, there will be an opportunity for you to indicate
those activities in which you have an interest -- or register one
that you desire to sponsor/lead.
As noted on the attached MOCK SIGN-UP,
there are 3 kinds of activities:
1. Scheduled (panels, presentations,
after dinner sessions)
2. Self-Organizing (someone indicates
they wantto get people together to listen to music, show a movie,
3. Local Adventure (hiking, shopping, restauranting,
Your signing
up will help ensure that we arrange appropriate facilities for the
number of people interested.
If you know now that you want to "self-organize" something,
please let Wally Higgins (
know, indicating What & Hours
(during afternoon or morning open times).
Presentations and Panels will be held before
and after dinner, since
we will not be able to do this during meals.
The Panels after dinner
are more open-ended, such that people can continue the conversation
as long as they want.
There will be equipment to display slides. Those who have a specific
focus to their show, and would like to "advertise" please
let Wally Higgins (
know. Otherwise, bring what you
want to share, and we can have several "slide-a-thons",
perhaps by group.
The afternoon slots (2:00-4:00) are a logical
time for these shows; and, you can choose to do them
anytime. Several teams have already indicated a possible interest in
presenting on specific topics:
1. Jerry & Terry Perkins: Trip slides
of mountains, including Chacaltya and others.
2. Peter Hansen: "Taxing Agricultural Land",
based on a study he did last year for the World Bank on land taxation
in Paraguay. He has some colorful slides, as well as a provocative
policy prescription that offers an alternative to the traditional
land redistribution schemes that LA has used over the past century.
3. Bill Keck: Showing of ¡Salud! DVD on Cuba model
of health care delivery from project.
4. Ginny Atherton: Tres videos de Carnaval
from a Bolivian Fiesta in
San Fernando Valley.
5. ?? Your suggestion(s)??
On Saturday after lunch, Lee Arbuckle and Wally Higgins will be offering
an opportunity for everyone to participate in a dialogue circle.
A tradition in many Native American cultures, the dialogue circle
is a way of engaging that allows participants to listen deeply and
reflect on their personal experience in a collective forum.
On Sunday after lunch, we will be showing the famous/infamous Blood
of the Condor (YAWAR MALLKU).
On Saturday evening, after the Panel, there will be an opportunity
to play volleyball (organized by Judy Costlow) or engage in Storytelling
(organized by Pedro Hansen, offering a prize for the best!).
On Sunday evening, after the Panel, Denis
Holt has volunteered to lead whomever in a some
kind of musicfest,
for those who want to sing, sing-a-long, hum or just enjoy. In addition,
those who bring CD can gather with like-minded souls in the mid-afternoons
for audiciones de music and revisit the sounds of the campo -- or whatever
they like.
A number of people have already expressed interest in exploring the
surrounding environs, which are reportedly spectacular. There will
be sign up sheets for both those who want to lead/offer transportation
and those who want to join in. The mornings have been left open intentionally
for such activities. If you already have a destination in mind and
know how many people you can accommodate, please let Wally Higgins
( know so
he can set up a sign up sheet in advance.
Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning have been left open.
Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 2:00-4:00 are open for "self
organizing" and "local adventure" activities.
Or just
hanging out.
We will have some dedicated space for our group, so displays of photos,
posters or other items will be possible.
So far, Don Beck has offered
to have available copies of PUES.
There will be a list of Deceased Bolivia
Volunteers/Staff, so
that your remembrances can be added to post online.
There will be info about Mano A Mano and Amigos de
Bolivia y Peru's Kantuta Grants, both
doing much in Bolivia.
All meals are served cafeteria style.
We will be sharing the Dining
Room with others at the lodge, so you can arrange yourselves at tables.
Don Beck has provided "table games" to have fun during their
meals remembering and sharing service experiences.
!Hasta Estes!
--Wally, for the Program Team
Attachment Word .doc file
Coordinating Rides to Estes...
If you wish to list when you will be arriving at Denver Airport (assuming
you are coming in by air) so as to coordinate with others who may be arriving
at similar times, you can list yourself in the Reunion
--Arrivals section
To do so, contact Don Beck who will
then list you online in that section.
Please include (1) Who [how many], (2) Date, (3) Flight, and (4) Time.
You can then see who is coming in at a similar time.
IT WILL BE UP TO YOU TO CONTACT WHOMEVER- an email will be listed (an
image so as not to be detected by roving bots for spamming)
Hope this helps. |
From Karen Ostenso (Beck)
Date: July 25,
From: Karen Ostenso (Beck) Group 29
RE Bio...
I am rather incompetent re:computers, so I will just give you a brief
narrative bio, okay??
Jules and I had just married before entering training
in 1967 and ended up divorced in about 1980. We do have one son.
Since leaving Potosi in 1969, I have gotten a degree in physical therapy
from the Univ of Minn and have worked as a PT since 1974. I have always
worked at Gillette Childrens in St Paul, which specializes in working
with children with disabilities. It has been a very rewarding, and
constantly challenging career.
When I read what other volunteers have
accomplished after their service, I feel like I have been leading a
very mundane and nonproductive life. I am impressed how many persons
have done related work and had careers that dovetail with their Peace
Corps experience.
The primary relevancy of the Peace Corps experience
to my subsequent life is related to my choice of career. Before Bolivia,
I had never considered PT as a career. While there, I saw several people
with disabilities move about on small platforms with casters, propelling
by pushing their hands on the ground. It seemed to me there had to
be a better way. A great deal of my work has been related to wheelchair
propulsion and related supportive seating.
I will not be at the reunion.
It does sound like fun. I have had a very difficult year, with the
loss of a loved one, and so am focusing on meeting the basic needs
of my daily life for now.
I hope everyone has a great time!!
Karen Ostenso, Potosi, 1967-69
Reunion Group 30
Date: July 25,
From: Dan Roque, Group 30
RE Reunion Group 30, Estes reunion
and Website
Hola Donaldo, I just finished looking at the site you created on the
web. You are so talented!. It is so groovy!.
You need more info from
group 30 . (mi grupo) We just had our third reunion that I organized
at the Nature Place here in Colorado. It was fantastico to say the
least. we are such a tight knit group. We know about your reunion,
but we wanted to have our own as we had planned it two years ago at
our last reunion at Asilomar in California. The Nature Place is a beautiful
place with great vistas and great food. (as if we needed more food).
We had a great time sharing stories, watching slides, going on a trip
to Cripple Creek together in a chartered bus through the mountains
of Colorado. We talked , sang, ate, took pictures, laughed, cried and
just loved being together again!.
We are planning out next reunion
in 2 years back east. I'm on a Bolivia Peace Corps high right now so
I want ed to share with you.
So, what are your plans when you come to Estes Park? I'm thinking I
might drive up for a day to crash the reunion and see a few people
I know. I know Ed Stoll, Dwight and Peggy Steen, Lee Arbuckle, Luisa
from the PC office in Coch, and you too.
Peace, Dan
Check under Reunion for latest news...
Latest Schedule updates and info about planing any free-time activities
(what little there is) is posted under Reunion here.
Those who have volunteered already MANY THANKS!... Still need several
persons to help in Registration on Friday Afternoon. Let Wally or Pat Edwins
or Don Beck know.
Thanks!!! |
Biographies from training...
We are still looking for .pdf or .jpeg or xerox copies of training biographies
for training groups...
So far we have Biographies for five groups (see under Links to download
if you wish):
- Group 29
- Group 32
- Group 33
- Group 34
- Group 36
And will take any others you might care to submit!!
Thanks! |
URL sent in by Jeff Fletcher: photos
of Salar de Uyuni
Check out new link under Links,
in News and Travelogue Section. Lots of pictures; somehwat slow accessing.
Photos of the salt flats and hotel made of salt blocks. Cactus too.
Thanks Jeff. |
August 1968, Group Picture of Grp
33's Arrival in La Paz
Picture from Barb Field/Belden...
Can we get some help in identifying these people from Group 33?
Dave Dolson gave up the low down on this picture 7/6...
THANKS Dave!!!!
- El Alto Airport, August 23, 1968. Group #33 arrives in La Paz after
a Braniff flight from Miami via Panama and Lima
- (l to r) Donna Grove, Anita Abascal, partially hidden unknown male,
Bill McNight, Judy Costlow, Barbara Belden, Jeff Sieffert (partially
hidden behind Barbara), Pat Reynolds Smatla, Judy Miller Seiffert (hidden
behind Pat), Juan Maidana (Aymara instructor), Art Levin, Larry James,
Donald Ortiz, Peter Kalnay, Jerry Goodman, Maggie Love Goodman, Vicente
Quispe (Ayamara instructor), Craig Sullivan, Frank McAlpin (rear behind
Craig), David Dolson, Edie Denious McAlpin (hidden behind Dave), Eugenio
Poma (Aymara Instructor), Harvey Buchalter, Georgia Gustafson, Ward
Nicholson, Carol Romey, and John Gillespie.
- Perhaps someone else from my group can identify the unknown male.
I think he might be an RPCV who was involved in our training program--I
can't recall his name despues de 40 años.
1971 Article from 1971 Coop
Report magazine
"Building Co-ops Among the Quechua" an article (in .pdf file
format) from Coop Report magazine, May-June 1971 pp1-4 discusses Peace
Corps work in Bolivia, then, with improving farming techniques and building
Cover features Peter Stubben, group 36, working with potato farming and
coops. See article in Links.
Also see Peter's almost completed biography in Bios for
a more current picture....
Thanks for sharing Peter! |
Anyone want to speak at the reunion...
Don't be shy!
Date: June 20,
From: Wally Higgins
To: Estimados Colegas Indicados
Each of you has been identified by one of the participants as a potential
speaker at the upcoming Bolivia Reunion.
The "speech": 15-20
minutes on a relevant subject (with/without slides or video) that could
be delivered during or after one of the meals. The
idea is to offer some provocative thinking that might stimulate a more
general discussion among the volunteers and their spouses.
Several subjects have already been offered up as
possibilities [with potential speakers]:
“Future of PC?”
"What is happening in Bolivia today"
"Gaz por mar"
“How to ‘Bring it all home’ in 2007+”
“Women in Development (Latin America/Bolivia)” [Carmen
Diana Deere]
“Peace Corps in the Region Now” [Michael
“Reflections of Peace Corps uber-jefes" [G.
Bauman, F. Caploe, L. Stelzner, L. Arbuckle, J. Perkins, P. Gendebien]
If you are interested and/or willing to take on this role at one of
the meals, please let me know.
You are not limited to the "offered" subjects, if you have
something else that you think might be more interesting.
Musical types? Band--Orchestra --Music!!
Date: June 22,
From: Wally Higgins
It would be great to have at least one evening/afternoon of music
jamming by those so inclined at the upcoming Bolivia Reunion. DENNIS
HOLT has volunteered to lead the way, since musica (and especially
musica latina) is his current vocation. I know others ---LARRY FUGMAN,
por ejemplo -- are accomplished jug-band performers. At least, he was
40 years ago! PAUL BECKERMAN, if my memory is not totally mush, also
is a virtuoso cellist.
If you are musically gifted -- or just an unabashed aficionado --
and interested in participating, please let us know. Please contact
me directly at: whigginsATrcnDOTcom. This will help the equip de planning
to arrange time and facilities.
Hasta Estes,---Wally
Volleyball Anyone?.... Tennis too!
Date: June 17,
From: Judith Costlow, Grp 33
David Dolson suggested and I think it would be fun, that we hold volleyball
games in the evenings or afternoons. We used to play a lot of volleyball
in our training days. Is there anyplace we can set up a space and does
the YMCA have the equipment? I am happy to call about it. ---Judy Costlow
6/20: I did contact the YMCA and they have three volleyball courts
available. We just have to check out the equipment from them and play.
I don't think we have to reserve, but I will check again as we get
closer. ---Judy
6/21: You might want to arrange for a few oxygen bottles, just for
us old timers! --Paul Fisher, Grp 40
Beck, Grp
29, reminds folks to bring a tennis raquet; he's
ready to play!
From Dennis Holt pics and soup!
Date: June 18,
From: Dennis Holt, Grp 23
I was in Bolivia 23 -- an agriculture-co-ops-community-development
group. We trained at Utah State with Bolivia 22 ( I think it was),
which was a teacher-training group destined for Santa Cruz. As I said
earlier (on the Chicha-site), I worked with coffee-processing co-ops
in the Yungas (Departamento de La Paz), near Coroico, & then later
in Coroico itself, together with such other volunteers as Larry Stearns,
Jim Ray, George Johnston, Frank Cunningham, Alan Jacobs, Bill Winkles
(who just happened to be the grown-up older brother of the little girl
I had had a huge crush on in the 6th grade), Larry Fugman, Bruce Bushey,
Brooks Herndon, and Bill & Sheryl Doyle. (Have I forgotten anyone?)
And then there were the TB-control volunteers: Bob Whittaker, Ed & Linda
Wardle, Mike White, Diane Hibino, & others I must have forgotten.
What a time it was!
I'll put together a bio-statement for you soon. I'm attaching a older
photo (see Bio), from about 1973, when I
was a graduate student at UCLA.
--Dennis Holt
Look forward to seeing you at the reunion!
Check out Dennis' recipe for Nicho - Andean Chicken Soup in Links
Early Years of PC/Bolivia ...
Date: June 12,
From: Nancy Sturdivant, Bolivia I
I am resending
my request for any response to persons from the first two groups of
volunteers who went to Bolivia. (My Bolivia I group is included here
as blind carbon copies so they can respond to the
if they wish or not - whatever they might prefer.)
Bolivia I trained
at the Univ. of Oklahoma in the spring of 1962 and then went to Camp
Rio Abajo in Puerto Rico for a month of outward bound. Then to LaPaz
for some in-country training before being assigned to LaPaz, Cochabamba,
Santa Cruz, the Beni, Tarija, Sucre, etc. We were primarily Public
Health oriented. Nurses and engineers mostly. We wanted to assist and
help with water supplies, Public Health and schools of nursing.The
second Bolivia group was also Public Health oriented with the addition
of agriculture nand farming. There was a need for better and safer
milk production at that time and the second group was involved in that.
It was a great time to be in Bolivia even though the 60's was still
a time of such unrest.
Communism was thought to be such a great threat.
We even had one of our volunteers captured and held for a time. And
we all remember the Cuban Missile Crisis.President Kennedy was asassinated
while we were in Bolivia. The volunteers came together in mourning.
The people of South America had seemed uplifted by the fact that then
President was Roman Catholic and such a friend to them. They had for
the most part welcomed us into their midst. It was a sad time as we
all mourned together.
We are the "olsters" of
the Peace Corps generation, but many of us are still active. I
support the Peace Corps and its ideals and ways of working with
peoples. In times such as these, the efforts of the Peace Corps
loom large in my estimation.Would like to hear from you.
--Nancy Turner Sturdivant, Bolivia I (1962-64)
Date: June 13, 2007
From: Pete Stubben
Fabulous to hear about PC-B #1.
Hey Nancy & Robert:
Assigned to boosting food staples during the late sixties, I was
traveling up these freakin' mountain passes to very remote high-altitude
farming plots. These farm families practically lived on mountain
peaks and everything was imported (not, though, fine leather furnishings
from Bari, Italy). It was a subsistence life for these rural Bolivians.
Anyway, I'm up with these guys and they invite me in to their homes
for moti & Spanish, just Quechua...and they have large
stones for chairs, etc., etc. and, low and beyond, at this one
home I was pretty much stunned. There pinned up on the adobe wall
was a photo of Jack Kennedy...PJS
Pete Stubben, PC-B, '69 to '71
Date: June 13, 2007
From: Lee Arbuckle
How great to hear from you and the quick summary of your group and
training. I'm not sure you know that the milk sanitation effort went
on to be a backbone of the development of the Planta Industrializadora
de Leche (PIL) under the direction of Luis (Lucho) Barron, and effort
that continued to involve Peace Corps volunteers. Peace Corps participation
in that effort was still fondly remembered on my arrival to Cochabamba
in 1968.
When Peace Corps was expelled in 1971 under the government
of Gen. Juan Jose Torres and the Marxist Asamblea del Pueblo there
was a lot of Sturm und Drang in the papers. It was common to hear expressions
of sadness and regret in the sites as the volunteers withdrew.
The most touching moment for me was when with all the volunteers
gone, I went to the airport Jorge Wilsterman in Cochabamba.
I waited for the flight to be called, I was approached by a man
about 40, balding with a crew cut of his remaining hair. It was
Humberto Yugar of Salud Publica. Peace Corps hadn't had a program
with Salud Publica since about 1966. He introduced himself and
gave me a small woven vicuña
scarf with the words "This is in thanks
for all the volunteers who worked with Salud Publica", and
went on to express his regrets at the decision of the government.
knowing how to contact all of you, I kept the scarf until it passed
to other hands from a coat rack when I was in graduate school. Did
you know Luisa Rojas?
---Lee Arbuckle
Date: June 13, 2007
From: Nancy Sturdivant
Dear [Lee] Arbuckle,
I will use that name since it is all I have to go on. I just wanted
you to know that I was delighted to read your email. It helps tie
things together for me since I never really understood what had actually
caused the Peace Corps to be ousted from Bolivia since I have not
seen the Condor movie. It feels good to have a connection with
someone who was actually there.
I know some people have not had great
experiences in their assignments, but I loved being in Cochabamba.
I did work at the Public Health Center there and I do believe that
the person you mmentioned Humberto Yugar was there when I was. A thoughtful
and kind person as I remember - who gave me a gift when my assignment
was finished. {I don't know if he is the same person, because I lost
my journal that I had when I was in Bolivia in one of my moves back
here in the States and it included some names and things that I regret
are lost.
Anyway, he helped us start a latrine-building program in Tiquipaya
outside of Cochabamba. Lois Duffin, another nurse and myself, roomed
in the home of Armando and Alcira (I think Ramirez was their last
name). Anyway, he was actually the local "curandero" of the
town and had a little store on his property as well. A. & A.lived
across the street from the plaza and the R. C. Church. Lois and I taught
hygiene in some in the local schools, helped the Sisters of Charity
do physicals for the kids and we had a little clinic there as well.
We even started organizing a Girl Scout troop. The men in our group
were busy building water supplies for folks and also making bricks
and building schools and lots of other activities involving agrigulture
and other projects - generally making friends for the USA since two
of our fellows married Bolivian girls..
Since ours was the first group
in Bolivia we sort of set the pace. That's why the Blood of the Condor
seems so shocking to me.. I would love to hear more about your experience
in Cochabamba and Bolivia. I could go on at length talking about it.
Hope to hear more from you.
Dear Pete,
Great to hear your story. Ah, those rural Bolivians! I remember
one little old lady tramping miles to get to our clinic because
she knew the Peace Corps nurses had transportation. (We drove blue
jeeps in those days.) The lady's daughter had gone into labor and
the baby had come out feet first. By the time we drove the woman
back home, it was just too late to save the baby so we wrapped
the mother up in a blanket, laid her in the back seat of the jeep
and drove her to the hospital in Cochabamba. She survived that
ordeal. I always admired the "country
folk." Some would get a little high on chicha, but they were
good people and loved their families.
Thanks again for your story. Fascinating
to think how even those in places far away were touched back then by
what President Kennedy did.
---Nancy Sturdivant
Date: June 16, 2007
From: Forrest Craven, Bolivia VI
Greetings! Yes,
it was Humberto Yugar for sure. He was also working with us in Tiquipaya
after you left. We had very positive relations with the people there
and surrounding areas; they would have been surprised about the Blood
of the Condor movie too. I think it was showing while I was still
there in country and it was no big deal then. In fact, I don't remember
it being a major issue at least through early 1970 when we were still
popular throughout the country.
Forrest Craven, Bolivia VI
Date: June 17, 2007
From: Don Beck, Bolivia Mines, Grp 29 (67-69)
to all from the early years! I have to add my own appreciation
of hearing more about what happened from day 1 in Bolivia. I was
in group 29, Mines group... so listening to Nancy and Pete and
Lee and Forrest is like filling parts of a story I never quite
knew what pieces were even missing!!Keep the flow going.
Lee will write about much of this... (I think he wants to write
more about it all). I have posted much of this on the Bolivia
60's-70's Group site... and will continue to do so if you dont
mind..Check out this site! And share your pics if you like as
well!! Thanks! sdpcs
----Don Beck
Estes Registration Help ...
Date: June 13,
From: Jeff Seifert, Grp 33
Hi this is jeff seifert group 33 and this is for Luis and Gino both
of you worked actively to keep me and Judy Miller from marrying in
Bolivia there were reasons like me being from a minority group... I
am still trying to figure out which group that might be... In any event
I would like to report that Judy Miller and I will be celebrating our
39th anniversary in September --- so much for shot gun Peace Corps
A few years back I had the opportunity of returning to La Paz, and
went to the old Hotel Torino, it has been renovated and become quite
the yuppie enclave. La Paz is pretty much the same with the addition
of a Radison the only major change I could discern.
Oh, and finally after Judy and my catastrophic Peace Corps experience
I do report that about six years ago I applied for the position of
in country director and was selected as director for Mongolia I politely
declined seeking a more respectful venue... Somewhere that serves drinks
with umbrellas.
Much love
--Jeff Seifert & Judy (Miller) Seifert
Revised list of Reunion Attendees ...
Latest list is
posted in the Reunion Section of those attending in August.
68 PC volunteers, staff & support and 32 spouses/guests.
Fine group
of people and some good times to be had by all!!!
Estes Registration Help ...
Date: June 16,
From: Tom Finan
Here is a recent photo (see it in his Bio).
I'll send some more when I return to Maryland and you will see that without
the hat there is no hair. Also, did I notice correctly that you have
a home in Sligo, Ireland? My grandfather on my father's side immigrated
from Tuppercury, a small town about 20 miles from the city of Sligo in
County Sligo.
We have visited there a couple of times as there are some
distant Finan relatives. Most of them are in dairy farming although for
years one Bridget Finan ran a pub just off the main square in Tuppercury.
On our first visit there a number of years ago we visited Finan's Pub
on the recommendation of my parents who had been there several years
before. Upon entering, my wife Mary Kay and I noticed a woman tending
bar who was dressed in black from head to toe.
Approaching her, I asked "Are
you a Finan"? She replied "No, I am a McNamara, but I married
a Finan and that's my last name, but I am a McNamara." After we
introduced ourselves she went to the cash register, opened it, and
produced a photo of her and my parents taken on their visit. We spent
three days there and had a great time. Thanks for posting the photo
in my file on your website. ---TOM.
I live in a town called Aclare, in County Sligo, north and west part
of the republic of Ireland. It is halfway between Tobbercurry and
Swinford. My partner is a vet for the area and may take care of
the cattle of the Finans and the McNamaras. Strange how all our worlds
are tied and linked together!
Thanks for your pic and looking forward
to more! --Don Beck
Estes Registration Help ...
Date: June 15,
From: Patricia Edwins
To: All
Attending the Reunion
Help with Registration - Friday August 17 - As We Arrive...
Registration officially runs 3pm to 6pm.
Would anyone be willing to help with the registration
packets? It would be nice if this person planned to arrive a
little early. If you live in the area, all the better. Thanks
Pat Edwins (San Diego) email me:
Estes Reunion Help ...
June 11, 2007
From: Wally Higgins
To: All Attending the Reunion and/or who wish to help...
a Todos!Your estimado equipo de planning has crafted some
thoughts on programming for the Gran Fiesta de Agosto.
Attached are a proposed GENERAL blocking of time with
some POSSIBLE activities (several of
which are actually underway -- see below) and several
SUGGESTED names for leading or organizing specific
elements.The intent is to provide some minimum amount of structure
and impetus to enable stuff to happen, without attempting
to be too prescriptive or obsessive. We see this whole
thing "evolving" as
we go along, such that, ultimately, what happens is
what wants to happen, and everyone has fun!In that spirit, your additions
and comments are invited, and your willingness to take ownership and/or
leadership with some element(s) that excites you, is encouraged!
Please send those suggestions and
volunteer information to Wally
Higgins directly.
FYI Some things are already
underway, so contact these people directly,
if you want to help: |
Arbuckle, Don Beck, Judith Costlow, Pat Edwins,
Paul Fisher, Wally Higgins, Carol Romey & Ed
+ Developing options for programming |
Stoll & Wally Higgins
+ Collecting deposits
+ Organizing room registration
Pat Edwins
+ Registration packets (name tags, meal tickets, etc.)
+ Providing directions & logistical info for Estes Park
Don Beck
+ Setting up website
+ Maintaining info data base (names, addresses, groups, etc)
+ Facilitating design of logo
+ Researching T-shirt options
Lee Arbuckle,
Don Beck & Ed Stoll
+ Chasing down groups & individuals
to invite |
Lee Arbuckle,
Don Beck & Wally Higgins
+ Organizing talking stick groups
Dwight Steen
+ Scouting the Estes site |
Estes! |
Re: Inventor Lee Arbuckle...
June 7, 2007
From: Ed Stoll -- posted on
Bolivia-ChichaPCV Group
More congratulations and good luck to Lee and Maggie
---Ed Stoll
See Article posted in Links
Photos -- in Other Groups....
Check out new photos posted from
• Other Groups,
Edwins, Group 36
...........Dennis Holt, Group 30?
• Jim Kauppi, Group 29
Photos Section was full and sluggish. It has been
divided into several sections so each should load more
THANKS!!! Keep those PHOTOS coming in!!!
Trish Muldugno-Furman ...
June 7, 2007
From: Trish Muldugno-Furman
I finally am back
on the Internet. I still have a little problem typing but my finger
is getting better. Physical Therapy is the pits but I remind myself
of the saying, "no
pain, no gain".The web site is wonderful. I am enjoying
reading all about our fellow volunteers. I am very
impressed. Memories are flooding my mind and I am staying
up entirely too late clicking on all the different
Thanks. I will post my bio soon.
--Peace, Trish (Patty)
Anne Terborgh -- PCV
in Bolivia 5 stationed in Guaqui and Trainer for
Mines Group 29.
June 6, 2007
From: Anne Terborgh, Group 5
It was fun talking to you and visiting the web site
to see the Mines group after so many years. I will
be forwarding the web site to the rest of the Bolivia
5 group in case anyone wants to join you in August.
It is ironic that we have our reunion in September,
only a couple of weeks after your big reunion. Wish
I had known about the Colorado reunion sooner, but,
asi es la vida.
I am attaching my bio info. You will have to do some
editing. I seem to have gotten a strange mix of colors
and fonts in my responses. I will always miss Word
Perfect and reveal codes. My best to all the gang!
--Abrazos, Anne
Frank Keim...
June 5, 2007
From: Frank Keim, Group ?
Sure. Here's my info: Bolivia CD, 1966-1968, Tiquina,
Altiplano, Bolivia.
Currently living in Alaska...
[Contact info under People section, Contact
Which group was that Frank?
Tom FInan -- Bio and Coming to Reunion!
June 5, 2007
From: Tom Finan, Group 29
Thanks for taking care of uploading the bios. Attached
is mine without a picture. I will hopefully have a
picture to send shortly. I look forward to seeing you
in Estes Park.
--Best, Tom Finan
Julia Moore: Bio with Salteñas and T-shirts!
June 3, 2007
From: Julia (Judy) Moore, Group 29
OK Don, here is my bio. I wasn't sure how to put the
pictures in. They seem to work, but if you need me
to send them differently let me know.
I'm attaching the salteña recipe (see Links section)
from "Epicuro
Andino." (My copy is stamped "Propriedad
del Cuerpo de Paz: Lending copy -- sign out and return
as soon as possible")
....Oops.I hope you enjoy the part about the cow's hoof. There
is an alternative for that item at the bottom. If you
get somebody to make this, don't let them substitute
a more healthy shortening for the lard. The pastry
will not be nearly as good, nor will the taste be as
authentic. (Come on, how often are we going to eat
these? Once or twice more in our lifetimes?)
T-shirt ideas
I do have ideas for a T-shirt, but I'm not willing
to do the actual artwork for it. I've done this before
and found it (for me, since it's not my field) incredibly
time-consuming.Simple designs tend to work a little better graphically.
Is this for the whole reunion or just our group? If
it's just our group I would suggest a graphic of a
miner's helmet with the words "Bolivia Mines" below
it. If it's for all the groups, obviously it needs
to be more generic. For me, a llama is the most immediately
recognizable symbol of the altiplano that could easily
be simplified to a shape. A big diablo mask on the
We pobably won't have time for
at the reunion, but your recipe looks muy interesante! I
don't think we could get the cow hooves.. but...oh well,
it makes an interesting read!!
Julia, for the t-shirt suggestions (you even included
stylized photos!!! A great help.
Smith and Sharing Bolivian/Latin Music...
June 3, 2007
From: John Smith, Group 29
You may be dreaming
(about something), but, YES, I did say I was interested in contributing
to whatever music we may have at the reunion. I have an extensive
collection of Putamayo CDs; my wife gets most of the
new issues, since she sells them at the Skagit Valley
Food Co-op where she works. There is not a lot of Bolivian
music that gets recorded on that label. There is a good cross-section
of Latin American music, however and I will have more time in about
3 weeks when I am due to retire! You can let the others who
are interested in bringing music know and we can exchange
information soon and figure out how to present it. Do we know what
kind of "formal" presentations
there will be or just how things will be organized?
--John Smith
Yes... Don Morley Grp 36, Alan Rom Grp 36
and you will need to connect. You are all knowledgeable
and interested. Check on Chichas Group for more.
Thought so far include:
Already that
has been a flurry of emails about music that people
have or would like to revisit, be it the “wailing
Cholas” from the mercados, or Santana, who emerged
when we were down there. This is a real opportunity
to create the sounds of Bolivia and PC.
Possible Categories:
music of the campo 60’s & 70’s
Contemporary Bolivian/Andean
music of the 60’s & 70’s
-Don Beck |
and info about Mano A Mano
June 3, 2007
From: Joan Velasquez (White), Group 29
Hi Don, thanks for being persistent
- I have been lax in completing this bio but have finally
filled in the form you sent and am attaching it here.
Being technologically challenged, I haven't been able
to do the photo scan - that added to the tardiness
of this response - but promise to actually send a photo
in one form or another.
I appreciate your interest in Mano
a Mano [see Joan's bio or Links for more info].
Yes, we accept individual donations. We have a website: that includes a Paypal donation opportunity.
If you send me your mailing address, we can also snail
mail some newsletters and brochures. In reality, our
lives have been totally consumed by this project in
recent years. We started by simply collecting medical
supplies. Now Mano a Mano has a 76 clinic
network, plus several other projects. We have primarily
had foundation funding up to this point but most foundations
will not continue to fund the same organization for
more than three years so we are trying to expand our
individual donor base.
I'm sorry we won't be attending the reunion. But will
be very interested in reading everyone's comments and
their bios.
--Joan Velasquez (White)
new sections have been added.
Please send suggestions and
updates -- ideas, corrections and criticisms
- Contact Information
As people are found, if they wish to have their contact
information listed it can be. Contact information section
is set up simialrly to People section.
- Groups
As this site now serves all 60s & 70s groups, people
of all groups can be listed. Let us know who to add
so the listings will become more complete. See People section.
- Deceased
A new listing under People. If you know
of anyone in our groups who has died, please let us
know so we may let others know.
- Group Training Biographies
/ Directories
Any these appear, they will be made available for downloading.
Check under in Links.
- Bolivia News
As people find news of interest, let us know and we
can post it. These will be posted as URL links in
the Links secton.
- Photos
Photos has been expanded to display photos from all groups,
as well as genreal pictures of Bolivia--during service
and in the present. Check the Photos section.
Shots from Training Biography Booklets...Still
need them from: Grp 30, 31, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40...
If you have access to any of these, please let us know!
May 31, 2007
From: Connie Thrasher (Jaquith), Group 34
Yes, I have our group booklet - where do you want
it sent - I don't have a scanner - I can get it scanned
at work if you want, but otherwise it would be hard
-- Connie
Date: May 31, 2007
From: Barb Field (Belden), Group 33
I am enjoying this
reunion event but we need to find more altiplano folks. In my group
(33?) we had 60 or so to start but only went in country with twenty
or so...I can't remember. We trained at Antioch College
June - August of 1967 and in Santa Fe June-Aug of 1968
and to LaPaz in late Aug.
folks can see what we looked like --- way back when! ..(see
Bios )
Besides using them for bios, the booklets
online in Bios to
download if you wish.
Some people seem to have held onto
more than others! So far we have:
- Grp
29--Thanks, Jeff Fletcher!
- Grp
Bill Baedke!
- Grp
Barb Belden!
- Grp
34 in the mail--Thanks,
Connie Jaquith!
- 1970 Directory PC Bolivia (see Links for download)--Thanks
Steven Kraft!
May 29, 2007
From: Don Morley, Group 36
This site is awesome! Love
those photos from training days.
Any way to get photos
of the Logan wheat coop/ sheep group up there? I bet
we all looked a whole lot better way back in '69!
also wish that more of the Altiplano fellows from Logan
'69 were going to Estes.
I'm glad that Jeff [McKenna?] will be there.
--Don Morley Group 36 [posted on Chichas Bolivia Group--see Reunion-->Group
YES! We will post pictures if you send
some in -- email files
Your info is posted now--awaiting your bio! |
of the Condor and Expulsion PC from Bolivia 1971
May 27, 2007
From: Bill Baedke
Here is a site with clips
from Bloof of the Condor.
[See Links - Blood fo the Condor]
BillDate: May 28, 2007
From: Gloria Levin, Amigos de Bolivia y PeruHere's the info and news clipping
about PC's removal from Bolivia.
[See Links
- Expulsion of PC from Bolivia ]
Gloria Levin
Thanks Bill and Gloria!
Anyone knowing where a copy of the
film can be found, please contact
here... |
format changing...
May 27, 2007
From: Don Beck
On the Mines website,
you will see some changes...
It is now formatted to
include all Groups of 60's to 70's.... Mines Group
is still there.. but now there will be more too. Check
it out. Get those bios in.People from other groups are beginning
to send in their information to posts here. For example:
--Bill Baedke, Pat Edwins, Pete Stubben have already
sent in info.
--Training pics & bios for Group 36 attending
the reunion are posted.
--More to come as it comes in!
- There are/will be biographies
from other groups.......Under Bios...
under Other
- There are group lists from #29
to #40........Check out Groups
Lists under People
- There is contact info for other
group members: Check out Other
Groups under Contact
Get the word out and your info in! THANKS...
Don Beck |
Judy Moore...
May 24, 2007
From: Julia (Judy) Moore
I actually am interested in attending
the reunion. I'm checking with Ed to see if there are
any accomodations left. I have been on a series of
extended trips for most of the spring, and out of email
contact much of the time, so I am just now sorting
through emails and other business.I confess to being a bit overwhelmed and confused
by the volume of emails coming my way from the Bolivia-Chicha
PCV thing. I haven't joined the Google group -- does
that give me more than I can get on your web site (which
is great, btw)? I'm not very interested in messages
from people in other groups. I hope to be able to read
people's bios and catch up a little more in the next
few days.I promise to get you a bio and some photos in the
next few days. I do have a few good ones from Tatasi
and Colquiri. Most of the Bolivia photos I have are
in slide format, so I will have to get them put in
digital form -- that will take a little longer. Allen
actually has the majority of the photos from our time
in Bolivia. I'm sure he has some great pictures of
Jim and Teresa's wedding. I don't have any. Do you
want these photos posted on the web site, or are they
for a slide show at the reunion?I have a recipe for saltenas from
the Bolivian cook book I brought home. I made them
once when the Langans, Jeff, and a few other folks
who were in town got together at our place in DC many
years ago. I am happy to furnish the recipe.Thanks for all the organizational
work you are doing.
Julia(PS. In Jim Kauppi's photo Meeting with the Ambassador
1, Allen is sitting right next to me in a beige polo
shirt. You might want to add his name on the caption.
Also I don't care if you call me Julia or Judy on these
photo captions -- I expect people are confused in any
event.) |
made.. (responding to DesPUES #4)
May 21, 2007
From: John Smith
That is Wanda Echevarria. She was
stationed in Telamayu for a while when I first got
there. She was from Florida, Cuban grandfather, I think.
I don’t know what group she was in, but hers
predated ours.
Jeff should remember her, too. A local guy once said
to her: “Por que se oculta
su belleza detrás
de los lentes?”
Date: May 21, 2007
From: Dwight Steen
One of Jeff Fletcher's photos labeled
Beer and Cacho-the other person in the photo is John
Bullet, Cochabamba Regional Rep in 1967.
May 22, 2007
Subject: DesPUES #4
(1) More than 100
photos posted!...
Don't forget to see pictures in BIOS as well!
(dont forget to turn in YOUR bio!)
Photos has been reworked & expanded...
Thanks Jim Kauppi for so many pics...
Everyone... keep em coming!
(2) Photos needed
-Día de San Juan
-Diablada dancers
-La Paz
-Mt Ilimani
Stories to share
-Tell of trips you took or work you did.
-Projects you did...
-Did you Read Great Bolivian River Trip
by Tom Gale & Jim Wright? AWESOME! under Service.
(4) Can anyone make
Any place to buy salteñas or bolivian
food in Denver?
Any way to bring frozen salteñas from
(5) Can you identify "Wanda"?
Seated with Bob in Caroico--larger in Service photos
(6) Share links you like
about Bolivia/Latin America...
Add to what we have now (See Links online)
(7) Send messages to post
if you wish...
ALSO you can join Chichas group as well (under Reunion) |
Trying to find... (responding to Msg 46)
May 21, 2007
From: George Smith
Subject: Historical Photo
Yes, its Ruth and myself at our wedding-
June 18, 1969- in Santa Cruz. The other lady is Ruth's
cousin Margie who came down for the wedding.You're
right about the best man - Archie Brunne (sp?) who
was office manager for PC Santa Cruz. Archie married
a PCV from an early group, first name Marty, I don't
remember her maiden name. They moved to Cincinnati
Ohio (Marty's home) during the 70's. Archie worked
with the Catholic diocese in
Cincinnati, long retired I'm sure.The wedding was at
Tony Edwards home in Santa Cruz. Tony was a beef cattle
specialist with the British Tropical Agricultural Mission.
He had spent most of his career in Africa. He returned
to Africa after
his tour in Bolivia and retired there. Ruth and I will
celebrate our 38th anniversary next month. Two kids
a son who lives in Dublin Ireland with his Irish bride
and a daughter who lives in Knoxville with her husband.
No grandchildren yet but that will change in November
I'm told.Oh yes, Lee its agricultural economics,
not soil science.You can find out more at |
Trying to find... (responding to Msg 46)
May 21, 2007
From: Lee Arbuckle
Subject: Re: Do you recognize...
The bride is Ruth Torresa PCV from
Puerto Rico and secretary in the Santa Cruz office
of the Peace Corps. The groom is George Smith, Ph.D.
in Soil Science and the Ag Technical Rep in Santa Cruz
region from about late 67 to mid 1970.I believe Ruth trained with the CD
tecnicos group and instructors at Cenpritec in El Alto [Group
George is a prof at U Tennessee Knoxville,
still happily married to Ruth. They can't attend the
reunion as his classes start in mid August.
Do you recognize the other man to the right with
the bride and groom?
Perhaps his name was Archie?
And do you remember someone named Wanda?
I can't give a positive identification of Archie as I
only briefly looked after the Collicamba volunteers
from the Vallegrande area. I'm sure that George Smith, Ruth Torres,
Tom Gale or Alan Rom can put us straight.As to Wanda, I seem to remember a
lot of girls in Santa Cruz named Wanda...certainly
made one's mind wanda'. Con
o sin mascaritas...Carnaval, Carnavalito,
Carnavalingo y Carnavalongo.I have a memory of Santa Cruz being
described by el
estimado Dr George Smith, and his bemusement
at the doubters that wondered why the city long term
plan had laid out 8 circumvulaciones and
whether it could ever reach past the first. I believe at that time the plaza and
for one block around the plaza the city was paved with enlozetada.
Taxis were well 4WD Toyota jeeps or motorcycles.As I recall there was a rural education
project in Santa Cruz that had some very interesting
people in it. Sadly none are registered to come to
thereunion. Names anyone?
Then there was San Julian's
John Bilderbeck [Group 34],
last sign of which is Colorado somewhere and Tim Zucal [Group
31] of Robore
on the Brazil border, last sighted in Mexico about
8 years ago(from Ohio originally).