Updates |
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Msg 46 Help! ID people in
Msg 45 Dr Wm Fox found!
Msg 44 Bolivia Web Radio
Msg 43 Pics: thanks Jim K!
Msg 42 DesPUES #3
Msg 41 Bolivian/Andean Music
Msg 40 Great Bolivian River Trip
Msg 39 Pics from Jim Kauppi
Msg 38 DesPUES #2 (news flash)
Msg 37 36 Reunion
Help Needs
Msg 35 Copies of Pues are
Msg 34 Hello from Trish Modugno
Msg 33 Pruitt going
to Reunion!
Msg 32 Anyone read
Msg 31 finding Jim Baltz
Msg 30 from Gino Baumann
Msg 29 from Al Ferraro
Msg 28 Notes from Jeff Fletcher
Msg 27 Bio -- McCabe Coolidge
Msg 26 Bio from Peggy Steen
Msg 25 More Pictures Posted
Msg 24 23 22 Ideas
for reunion
Msg 21 from Patricia Edwins
Msg 20 List
Reunion Attendees
Msg 19 John Griffith found
Msg 18 from Gino Baumann
Msg 17 from Isabel Rajcan
Msg 16 emails from Sue Bowman
(Kauppi) & Martin Bloom
Msg 15 from Doug Langan
Msg 13 from Dr. Keck
Msg 12 DesPUES (news flash)
Msg 11 Bolivia Map added
Msg 10 Tom Gale email update
Msg 9 Looking for...(list)
Msg 8 Found Bill Coolidge
Msg 7 Emails from Jules Beck,
Trish Modugno, & Martin Zone
Msg 6 Bio Pruitt expanded
Msg 5 Bio Sue Bowman (Kauppi)
Msg 4 from Sue Bowman (Kauppi)
Msg 3 Found Jim Kauppi
Msg 2 Scott Reed Found
Msg 1 Ciotti email updated
Trying to find...
May 20, 2007
From: Jim Kauppi
Subject: PC People
(click on pic to see larger)
√ You asked about the woman in the
pic with Bob Pruitt in Coroico... Wanda?... she's
also the one dancing with Jeff Fletcher in Jeff's
b/w photo. I remember her, and her name may have
been Wanda, but beyond that I don't know. Apparently
Jeff Fletcher doesn't recall either. But I remember
her being around quite a bit?
√ Also, do you remember
a wedding with PC/foreign service staffers? I have
some photos of it and some of our group members are
there. Was the grooms name George, maybe? [also...see
next check: I think this is Archie in the wedding
photo. I think Archie is on the right ]
√ Finally, does anyone
remember Archie (?). He was an office staffer in Santa Cruz/LaPaz,
with a pleasant American wife (not sure when married).
An Argentinian, but a resident of Bolivia when we
were there. Very nice guy. They lived in Cincinnati,
and probably still do. Sue and I visited them in
the 70s. I have some photos somewhere; they had several
young daughters at the time. I'm sure he would be
interested in the web site, maybe offer his recollections,
Wm Fox -- Check under People --> Contact
Info for
May 16, 2007
From: William Fox
Subject: Bolivia!!!!
WOW!! Great to hear from everyone!!!.
I'm working at the Children's Hosp of Phila (Since
Bolivia was best 2 years of my life!!
I went back in 74, 83 and almost every year since 92...going
in late July this year. I'm really attached to the
Country and have sent about 6 Residents from CHOP to
there for electives.
Was climbing there until 6 years
ago then down in the Chapare where we found a big lost
Inca City (1 mile square). We're mapping it now. I
lecture in Coch and La Paz Med Schools every trip.
Re married 17 yrs ago and my 12 yr
old daughter is going with me this year. My oldest
is Will -39 yrs and he's been there 3 summers...born
in LaPaz in 68. PLEASE send me an email!!
---Bill I remember
very many of you fondly!!!!
out Bolivia
Web Radio
Check out Bolivia Web Radio stream...
continuous Bolivian music and radio.... with URL that even
lists what is current selection. |
out New
Pics in Photos Section
From Jim Kauppi come nine pictures from training, service
in the Southern mines and then in Santa Cruz.
Thanks Jim!! |
May 12, 2007
From: Don Beck
Planning continues for
the Reunion.
(1) The Reunion section (Check it out!) online has
been expanded and will be carrying more information
about the reunion as it emerges.
(2) There is
a revised list (62 PC and 22 guests) of those signed up to attend the Reunion now listed
Alphabetically and also by Groups.
(3) If you
haven't sent in your bio... please take
some time and fill in the bio form attached and send
back to Don BEck... who will put it online...
(4) IF YOU
HAVENT ALREADY.... be thinking of your
best 10 -15 slides pictures of Bolivia to bring and
share... Also any artifacts you might want to show
to remind us of service...
(5) Bob Pruitt is hot on the trail of Jim Baltz and
Kevin Lynch...
(6) Tom Gale: remind Scott Reed to send in his contact
PS to all.. the contact
info is now available... not password protected any
Thanks Bill Baedke.
May 1, 2007
From: Bill Baedke, Bolivia-ChichaPCVs group
This site has some music from Bolivia
that you can listen to: (see
Links, here)
Bill Baedke
Thanks Jim and Tom for sharing.
Read their journal
April 29, 2007
From: Jim Wright
Tom Gale and I have been in contact
over the last month, sharing memories from our time
in Santa Cruz. Most of all we have reminisced about
the Great River Trip that we took on the rivers from
near our sites all the way to Trinidad. I had kept
a journal that I have recently resurrected and edited
it. Tom has seen it and we both think it might be interesting
to the rest of the group if you want to post it on
the web page.
Tom is very busy now and has not had time to add some
of his own recollections. He may do so in a month or
so. If so, you could substitute Tom's revised version
for this one.
Jim Wright
Thanks Jim for Pic(s) and offer to help!
April 24, 2007
From: Jim Kauppi
Re: Hello Don
I've found most of my PC pictures (mostly slides),
and am doing a quick edit after scanning and will place
them on a CD or two and mail to you. I have perhaps
a hundred or so that I think could be of general interest,
maybe. Are there any particular kinds of photos (subjects)
that are most needed. Let me know. Also, I may send
a few to you via email with the hope of you identifying
people, not so much the volunteers, but others. I think
I have a few of our group at the Ambassador's home
(or Gino's). I notice that someone asked what the Ambassadors
name was, I think he's the one in the yellow shirt
in a few of my photos.
Let me know your mailing address,
and any suggestions regarding the photos.
Thank you.
PS. Just a thought ... how about doing a photo composite
of our Bolivia 29 Mines Group. As a commemorative,
etc. an 8x 10 (maybe larger) pictorial with 15-25 images
(or something), minimal text as all have their own
story. I work in Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator and
have done a number of similar things over the years.
I have enough photos myself to do such a thing, but
I'm sure it could be better if a photo selection could
be made of a broader selection than mine. You've probably
thought of this! I still am not sure about making the
reunion, but I've certainly been thinking about it.
I think this photo is
our first meal at the hotel in LaPaz. I have always
remembered the tongue.
DesPUES #2 (News flash)
Hello Again!!
(0) Anyone else able to join us in August?
Contact Lee Arbuckle or Ed
Stoll about
Something can be worked out!!!
Deadline for Estes resort rooms full deposit is by June...
(1) PUES: we have obtained copies of 6 issues of PUES.
Dont know if there were any more. Got these thru Gino,
who had his papers on file at LBJ Library in Austin TX.
Also got a copy of White Paper. (now posted online in messages)
(2) Bob Pruitt is at work on tracking down Jim Baltz and
Kevin Lynch.
Thanks Bob... go for it... and we are glad you will be
at the Reunion as well..
(3) Tom Gale is working on contacting Scott Reed
to see if he wishes to connect with us or not. Be great
if he would be able to join us in CO.
(4) Slide show -- pictures -- CD of pics:
Dwight Steen has offered to work on pictures and slide
show... SO if you want to submit any send them to me
or him...
Jim Kauppi has offered to help as well... he's an experiences
Photoshop user...
Jules Beck also offered sharing his slides.
Sue Bowman (Kauppi) and Jeff
Fletcher have both shared
more pics online too!
(5) Share your bios with us all!
Those turned in are great... MORE would be even better!
Amazingly diversity of experiences and stories-to-share
in this group!!!
(6) Lee Arbuckle
is calling for all willing to help organize to emerge... for what needs to be brought together beforehand.
See his messages #36 & #37 and
#22-24 below.
Don Beck,
Ass. Ed -- DesPUES
Reunion Organizing: Any MINERS who
can help??? (see
Date: April 23, 2007
From: Lee Arbuckle
Re: Hi Carol (Romey)
Thanks for offering to help. I have
a couple of other offers and waiting for more. Sign
up for what suits you best... consider.
Each activity would involve working with at least one
and perhaps as many as three other people depending
on the load.
1. Program
committee. Policy One:
have a mix of structure and unstructured time, perhaps
50/50. Policy Two: provide space and time for small
group meetings for those groups that have several in
attendance. This sounds corny, but is a remarkable
experience...underlining how intense the Peace Corps
experience was. A good technique to break through shallow
banter and old hierarchies is to use the 'talking stick'.
It works well in groups up to about 25. Each person
talks when they get the stick with no interruptions.
Policy three. The program committee should have at
least three people at most five and work back and forth
on-line. No group grope here…if you try to involve all who are signed
up, all through the process nothing will get done.
Come up with something and then put it out on Google
groups for discussion and go from there. Other possibilities
who may yet offer to help are: Peggy or Dwight Steen
and Jerry Perkins. Paul Fisher has offered to help.
Gender balance? Edie McAlpin? Barb Belden Field? I
still haven’t seen anyone come forward from among
the rural electrification, the credit union, the nurses,
or anyone else from Antioch.
I think Walt Higgins is willing to be one of the people
on the program committee. He’s a delightful guy
with a firm opinion that there should be structured
and unstructured time and lots of experience organizing
large groups. You would provide a great balance. Another
who may be willing is Don Beck who has been the ram
rod for the Mines group. It seems to me that two more
email-literate people would be helpful.
2. Music: Arranging a selection of music in whatever
format. Some Bolivian as a mix of highland and lowland.
Some other Latin. Rock/jazz/R&B from the 60s. karaoke
with some of the best known songs from the above?
3. Arrange for Slides and photos: The Notre Dame group
had each person bring 12-15 slides and then narrate.
Avoided “shaggy dog” slide presentation.
Very fast, powerful. How to collect the slides? How
to keep track of them and return them? Slide projectors
and screens? When to schedule? Put them into digital
Lee: Dwight Steen and Jim Kauppi have
both offered to help organize pictures/slide/cds of
pics for the mines group and can help probably with
more ---I shall ask them.. Don Beck
4. Some sort of Memorial poster
board with pictures
and a couple of comments from other that knew them
well. I’m hopeful Jerry Perkins will want to
work on this activity. I have a short list of those
who have passed away. The list would be added to by
inquiring of the Google groups list. Other
5. Display of shards and momentos, especially
a now and then pairing of photos for all who sign up
Don Beck Could you help?
Glad to put up bios,
pics etc. for folks in other groups. But have had no
requests except for Patricia Edwins whose info is displayed.
am planning on a display of the in-country
(Oct 1968-Oct 1969) Volunteer Newspaper PUES, of which
we have obtained copies. We
can work on putting together a then and now for our
group and more if others will help gather them...--Don
Beck. Contact
Don Beck
Any other
Miners that might be willing?
Lee Arbuckle
Lee Arbuckle
Reunion Organizing Part 1...
Date: April 22, 2007
From: Lee Arbuckle
Re: Hello All
I’m sending this to all of
you as I know you are people who will come through
if you commit. Time is approaching when we will know
how many people will register for the reunion. At that
point, about June 1, a program committee can go to
work. So who will be on the program committee? Wally
Higgins has a wealth of experience in organizing large
events and a clear grasp of the need to have a balance
between structured events and free time for people
to spend reconnecting. I know Don Beck has a lot of
ideas and can speak for the Mines group. Paul Fisher
volunteered to help in any way he can. I know Pat Edwins
is organized and effective and hopefully be willing
to help. I have already asked via googlegroups if there
are others who will volunteer to help. Don, perhaps
you can get that message out via your Mines Group list
Without asking I put Judy Costlow, Carol Romey and
Barbara Belden Field on this email hoping one of them
will offer to help. I know they can effectively represent
the women’s
perspective that has been sorely under-represented on the
googlegroups site so far. I’ve also added Dwight
and Peggy Steen to this email as they are both competent,
connected, and effective at programming.
So all of you this is not a railroad. It’s just
a request to help if you can. Ed Stoll and I are topped
out through the summer months.
Email back an let me know if you can help and what sort
of way you would prefer to help.
Lee Arbuckle
Contact Lee Arbuckle
P.S. I believe Tere Perkins and Pat Stelzner are putting
together an email network of ex-staff. As you know
best to let staff work out things on their own.
PUES & The White Paper
We have obtained xerox copies of
the six issues of Pues, the in-country Bolivian PC Volunteer Newsletter,
from December 1968 to October 1969. If you would like a copy an issue(s),
let us know. Each page is two pages xeroxed. Five issues have 8 newspaper
size pages or 16 pages xeroxed. One issue only had 4 pages for 8 pages
xeroxed. Total of 88 pages for all six issues.
Ambassador Interview is Issue #2; with response from
Peter C Valence in issue #3.
Much news about what PCVs were doing is covered, as
well as PCV concerns.
Let me know if anyone wants copies.
The White Paper is in as well, though it seems tamer
than what I had remembered. BUT, it was the result of a group wanting
more to be done about getting workable, useful work for Volunteers asking
for more Volunteer say in determining program content.. Download
the White Paper.
-Don Beck |
Coming to the reunion!
Date: April 20, 2007
From: Trish Modugno-Furman
Re: Hi everyone!
just wanted to let you know that i have been off-line for
about two months now. i am using jaime's computer. also broke my finger
at the desert museum last friday and had it operated on today so i am using
my left hand to type. please excuse me for not answering any e-mails you
may have sent. hope you all are ok and enjoying life. take care. i will
let you all know when i am back on the net and hopefully able to use two
hands again to type.
patty, trish, patrish
Coming to the reunion!
Date: April 18, 2007
From: Bob Pruitt
Re: Read German?
No, I don't even read English.
But Ernie Greishaber does. I am sure you could send him stuff and he would
help translate.
I have reserved a hotel room in Loveland Colorado, which appears to be
about thirty miles from Estes Park. I will drive up to Estes Park during
the day and down to Loveland later in the evening. The reason is that I
have Congestive Heart Failure from The Big One in 1995, and have difficulty
breathing if the altitude is much higher than one foot above sea level.
I think staying at 5000 feet will be more conducive to breathing than staying
at 8000 feet at Estes Park at the Y camp. I will let Ed Stoll know that
I will be coming to the reunion, but staying off site. I checked with the
Y and they said I could purchase meals at the Y site if I want. I may be
coming with a member of the family or with a friend.
So there you have it! I will load up the old Toyota Corolla and head west
to arrive on August 17th. I prefer to drive, rather than fly, because I
figure I have a better chance of surviving if I fall out of a motor vehicle
than if I fall out of an airplane. Had some practice in Bolivia.
Stay in touch.
Anyone read German?
Date: April 17, 2007
From: Don Beck
Re: Bounty for Kevin Lynch & Anyone Read German?
You betcha!... Big bounty... but you have to come to Colorado to get
Peace Don
ps. I have been reading some more of the pages sent
by Gino. Titled "International Name Dropping."
they are in German, so its slow going for me. But Gino has
certainly been around and is leftist. socialist... Evidently Kevin
Lynch told him some secret about Che's cohorts that Kevin knew of
supposedly from priests in Siglo Viente...
Do you read German?
Jim Baltz
Date: April 17, 2007
From: Bob Pruitt
Re: Jim Baltz
I talked with Teresa Baltz, Jim's former wife, who lives
in Lansing, Michigan. Teresa said she has not been in touch with Jim for
15 years. They were divorced about 35 years ago. Jim remarried and lives
in Wayne, Michigan, but she has no way to contact him and doesn't know
of any way I can reach him.. His number and address are unlisted. They
had a son, but I have not been able to contact him either. Teresa remembers
the PC in Bolivia, especially her wedding to Jim. She says to say hello
to Doug, Patty, Alan and Julie (Judy). Teresa is a teacher in Lansing,
and she gave me permission to give her address and phone number to anyone
who wishes to contact her.
I will continue to try to find the missing persons from our group. If I
find Kevin Lynch, is there a bounty you can pay me?
sent Gino a printout of the site and bios, as he doesn't have computer access
at home. We will assemble a bio and post it shortly from the
things he
submitted. As well we have ordered materials (PUES) from
LBJ Library in Austin.
wrote back this message as well...
Date: April 11, 2007
From: Gino Baumann
Re: Hello to All!
Fascinating the Bio data of Mines Group! PC was a
great outfit of the USA, better than Vietnam, Iraq, etc.
I will be a Estes Park with wife Sara and 13 year
old grandchild. I am 81 today and my memory is not what it ...
Included find data referring to me, a hodgepoge of
various things, excerpt cuttings, clippings, and throw aways. In
reference to Pues, see LBJ Library in Austin. They should print it
out for you. My PC papers went there, except what students stole,
destroyed. They might have a copy of White paper.
Ask Ferraro to show up. Look for Kevin Lynch.
Someone insulted me in their bio info. I believe I
am one of the best Altiplano drivers there are and one of the fastest
to boot. They apparently did not!
Take care and look forward to talking to all at the
Gino B.
Date: April 11, 2007
From: Al Ferraro
Re: Hello to All!
Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner, but I've been having
trouble with my internet. I won't be able to make it to Colorado. After
I left Bolivia I went to The Philippines as Assoc. Director. From there
I went back to PR and worked in the PC training center for about six
I then returned to the States and couldn't adjust to Gringolandia. I
returned to PR in 1982 to work for a cable tv company and I retired in
2002 and am living in PR. I have nothing from my Peace Corps days. My
ex threw everything out.
Tell Gino and Dr. Keck that I said hi. Give my regards to all in the
mines group. Keep in touch.
Ciao Al
Memories from training...
Date: April 7, 2007
From: Jeff Fletcher
Re: Sending pics in for photo gallery
Looking at both my pics and the chronology, two things occur to me.
As part of our in-country training,
- We took a bus trip to Tiahuanacu
and Lake Titicaca.
- And as part of in-country training, (at least some
of us) also went and visited a guy at his site in the Yungas.
- After
that, I think we did some visits to the southern mines.
- I'm sure we
returned from our training to La Paz in time for the 4th of July,
because I remember an egg-catching event at the ambassador's residence.
- I also
remember setting off bottle rockets from the top of the hotel we
were staying at in La Paz. I remember this pretty clearly since I
burned the hell out of my finger (see visiting a tin mine photo whole
group ready to enter, which I think was taken in the July 5-15 period.)
Date: March 18, 2007
From: (Bill) McCabe Coolidge
Hi Don,
The wood fire is blazing; the temp is till 19
and snowing, setting new records up here. Here are some updates for you...
So began a long letter, the rest of which is posted
in his bio... So, check it out--McCabe
Coolidge's Bio
Thanks McCabe!!!
bio from McCabe Coolidge.
Posted bio from Peggy Steen.
Thanks Peggy!!! |
Thank you Sue Bowman (Kauppi)
for sending us some 18 19 (missed one) new pictures...
of your family (under your bio) and from training and service (in
Photos). They came out great...
--Everyone and anyone...
--Check them out and add more info to put with the pictures...
--Where and when, more specifically.
--There was some party... in country evidently...
--Pictures processed in Coch...
Don Beck
ps.. more pictures and bios, always welcome!!
From: Dwight Steen
Date: March 28, 2007
I saw the e-mail that Lee Arbuckle sent in response
to your request. ... I attended the
Notre Dame group reunion that Lee refers to that was held at ASILOMAR
a couple years ago. ASILOMAR wanted an exorbitant sum of money for
any type of audio visual equipment, so the slide presentations were
reminiscent of what we had to work with in Bolivia. Since I live close,
I am planning to make a trip to Estes Park to scout out the place and
to see where or what kind of facilities will be available.
I have done a lot slides shows of my grandchildren and other important
events on DVD that can just be displayed on any TV. I would volunteer
to put everyone slides into a show assuming people have them in digital
form and would be willing to send them to me. I am not able to scan
slides (you need a real high resolution scanner), but I can scan photos
(many of the ones I have were very small (like 2.5 x 3 inches) so they
do not come out great. However, they are viewable and they can tell
the story. If people have their own show or sequence of slides in digital
form, I can also make a number of separate slide shows on a single
DVD. Probably for a few bucks we can even have copies made for everyone.
Let me know how I can help.
Dwight: Jules Beck has also expressed an interest
in working on this: perhaps together???
- Reunion
- Share
your ideas HERE of things you might want to happen at the reunion.
- Can you
help organize now and them something you enjoy doing?
- Sort
of a potluck of ideas/activities...
==> Send comments/ideas to Messages to
be posted here
There seems to be large number of people now coming
to the reunion. Hooray!!..
Should help generate much good will and a great experience!
Undoubtedly more will decide to go as August approaches...
- Is it time
to think about the reunion itself?
- What
sorts of things "happen" at reunions?
- What have other groups done?
- Many
have said they would help with this...
- Certainly
much can be planned once we are there
- Some
simple planning will help: eg, to bring slides or pictures....
From: Lee Arbuckle
Date: March 27, 2007
I agree it is time to start thinking of program ideas.
of some things that could be done:
1. Get someone to put together
some music mixes.
There are some people with good music collections
to play on some kind of music system. What do they have at Estes Park?
I don't know, but someone on the committee putting the music program
could find out. Could be some highland and lowland Bolivian music,
some general Latin music, some American pop, rock, blues, and jazz
from the time. Do you have anyone or can you find anyone? Dare I
suggest you could pose the question on googlegroups or the Mines
site, or both?
2. Explore the use of the "talking stick" as
a group dynamics tool for the small groups.
It's said to be a Native American method
of giving a voice to all, rather than just re-establishing old heirarchies
and repeating old banter. There has been a lot of water under the bridge
since the 60s and some would like to hear or tell about that. The talking
stick assures that all get a voice for 5-15 minutes.
3. Organize a way for people
to show some slides.
It seems Notre Dame
II gave people a limit of 10 or 15 of their slides which they narrated.
In an evening about 25-30 people showed all their slides. It seems
to me that 3-4 slide projectors or screens can be found or rented.
Would you or someone you identify take that on?
4. Organize a couple of panels.
Mike Hirsch is current Peace Corps Director in Peru. Marco Dolan is
Peace Corps staff in Peru. His grandfather was one of the first ag
agents in Bolivia in about 1940, and a sound supporter of the Peace
Corps activities in Cochabamba (PIL, coordination with ag extension
Topic: What
should Peace Corps be in 2007? Is it still relevant? How should it be organized
5. Coordinate--expand--tweak
a chat forum.
Don Beck,
Dwight Steen, and Terry Linkletter could communicate to all how to
make a more useful, user friendly chat forum, revising or replacing
the Googlegroups approach. Bring in anyone who's interested in making
a better forum.
6. Organize getting info out to Reunion attendees.
will be a need to get some general communications out to all who are
coming to the reunion or contemplating making a reservation. I'd be
delighted if you come up with a better way of moving the canoe ahead.
From an RPCV who served in Bolivia
and is now in San Diego and is coming to the Reunion!
From: Patricia Edwins
Date: March 27, 2007
My name has changed twice since I last saw you at the office in
La Paz 69-71 or at the conference in the Yungas (you probably didn’t
see me much, most of the time I was pounding a typewriter in that
little hotel room). I’d sure enjoy hearing from those of
you who do remember me (Maggie, Fred, Gino, et. al).
My e-mail address is:
I’ll be seeing most of you in August, and will be adding
a bio as soon as I can.
Hasta la proxima vez, mis saludos y abrazos,
Patricia/PCV Secretary/La Paz, Bolivia/69-71
LIST REUNION ATTENDEES--as of 3/26 -- from Ed Stoll --
Rev 4/18 by D Beck
Programs by Group
......(Number attending in parentheses)
- Staff
& Support --
- Lee
Arbuckle (1)
- Bill
Baedke (2)
- Gino
Baumann (3)
- Mike
Brady (2)
- Fred
Caploe (2)
- Judy
Costlow (2)
- Carmen
D Deere (1)
Marko Dolan (2)
- Patricia
Edwins (1)
- Dick
Eyre (2)
- Lee
Hougen (1)
- Bill
Keck (2)
- Luis
Stelzner (2)
- Group
12 --
- Ginny
Atherton (1)
- Group
29 -- Mines CD
- Donald
Beck (1)
- Jules
Beck (1)
- Jeff
Fletcher (1)
- Tom
Gale (2)
- Ernie
Grieshaber (2)
- Doug
Langan (2)
- Bob Pruitt (1)
- Mary
Isabel Rajcan (1)
- John
Smith (1)
- Dwight
Steen (1)
- Peggy
Steen (1)
- David
White (2)
- Martin
Zone (1)
- Group
30 -- Notre Dame II CUs
- Jay
Carver (1)
- Group
31 -- CU Rural Electric
- Larry
Crowley (1)
- Ed
Stoll (1)
- Group
32 -- CD Tecnicos
- Larry
Lemmon (1)
- Group
34 -- CUs
- Kirk
Harder (2)
- Wally
Higgins (1)
- Group
36 --
CUs Wheat Sheep
- Paul
Beckerman (1)
- Gerry
Bendix (1)
- Peter
Hansen (1)
- Jim
Iverson (2)
- Steve
Kraft (2)
- Jeff
McKenna (1)
- Don
Morley (1)
- Alan
Rom (1)
- Jack
Sadler (1)
- Peter
Stubben (1)
- Group
39 -- Rural Electric
- Mike
Hirsch (2)
- Mike
Kaiser (2)
- Group
40 -- CU Wheat Coop
- Paul
Fisher (2)
- Dale
Key (1)
- Terry
Linkletter (2)
- Michael
Schieche (2)
- Gay
Urness (1)
of 50 (PCVs, Staff
& Support) signed up bringing
23 spouses]
Spoke with John Giffith and his
address is now posted in Contact Info
From: John Griffith
John says hi to folks.
He was sent home early on a medical release and spent some time in the
hospital in the states before being fully well. Eventually it was Bianca
Bloom's dad who steered John to some jobs that were available. John
ended up working with a Probation Department and has been retired now
for several years.
says more details coming in his bio when he gets to it.
John. It's good to hear from you.
Spoke to Gino Baumann in Costa
Gino says hi to all and hopes to see as many as possible
at the reunion in Colorado in August. He will
be there with his wife. He says he is 83 now, but sounds as energentic
as ever and ready to debate most any issue as needed.
also has a lead to where we can get a hold of some copies of Pues,
our infamous newsletter which so many remember fondly, well, perhaps
or perhaps not.
definitely rememberd the Pues situation well, and how the Blooms
just happened to be on vacation at the time it got hot.
does not have email or a computer but can be reached by phone and letter...
so go for it if you wish.
[We have sent him printouts of the site including bios turned in, to
Spoke to Mary Isabel Rajcan in
Coarsegold, CA.
Isabel is definitely coming to the reunion in August.
She now lives in Coarsegold, a place near Yosemite, California.
She does much volunteer work caring for others, driving them places
and so on. And is active with her church. She is now 84--and in talking
to her, her emergy wore me out in the minutes we talked. She's as much
of a dynamo as ever!
has two phone numbers listed: one is a regular number in Coarsegold.
The other is an 866 number which is actually a type of 800 number, which
is at no expense to the caller. She does not have a computer or email,
so has not seen our site [though we have now sent her a printed
copy of it all--including bios done, to date]. She wants to hear
from any and all... so call her on either number and catch-up. She is
in and out but at home evenings usually. You can leave a message if
she's not home.
Corrections to list of those attending
reunion from Mines group:
From: Sue Bowman (Kauppi)
I cannot attend due to prior committments, but want to hear
from everyone and will respond to all email or letters.
--Sue Bowman
From: Martin Bloom
Subject: Re: Hello Martin!
Date: March 19, 2007
Good to hear from
some of the old PC folks. To set the record straight I haven't yet seen
my way clear to commit to the reunion so I'm not sure of the accuracy
of Lee's list.
Just thinking about those times and all the people brings back many
--Martin Bloom
We hope
Martin will be able to be there!!!
15. 3/17/2007
From: Doug Langan
Subject: Re: Updates & Questions!
Date: March 17, 2007
I can only help with #2:
Who was ambassador when we arrived?:
The Ambassador was Douglas Henderson. It was, he told me years later,
his idea to put a group in the Bolivian mines. He had joined the United
Mine Workers as a young man, and I believe he kept his union card through
his Foreign Service career.
His daughter, Lee Martinez. was later a civil servant
in the State Department -- she ran the motor pool, among other things
-- and was also an auxiliary DC cop. His son, Bruce Henderson, was president
of CitiBank of Peru when I was DCM in Lima in the 80's. Our jobs brought
Bruce and I together at lots of official events, and we would often
reminisce about things Bolivian -- probably boring or annoying our Peruvian
hosts, who of course regard Bolivia as part of Alto Peru...
Both Lee and Bruce recall being at a meeting in the
Yungas with the mines group when they were little kids. Could that have
been our one year conference?
As of last year, Douglas Henderson was still alive,
and living in DC.
13. 3/16/2007
FROM: Dr. Bil Keck
FOUND BY: Bob Pruitt
DATE: Friday, March 16, 2007
Dear Don,
Yes, you found me! Would you like me to respond to your bio question,
or are you focusing on PCV’s rather than staff?
You might be interested in the fact that I have a “Che”
story from the other side. I’ve been working with the Cuban health
system for about 15 years and am part of a team that has just completed
a documentary film about that system. With the election of Evo Morales,
Bolivia is moving closer to the Cuban approach to providing health and
social services. If you would like, I can bring a copy of the film to
the reunion planned for August. You might want to check out the following
Best wishes,
Bill Keck
Reply: YES YES YES to all questions!!! --Don Beck
FROM: Dr. Bil Keck
DATE: (later) Friday, March 16, 2007
Dear Don,
Yes, the film is in DVD format and commercial copies are now available.
It comes in both English and Spanish. It is for sale on the website to
agencies and institutions. I’m one of three co-producers and I have
copies I can sell for $30.00 (check made out to MEDICC) to individuals.
I’d be delighted to bring one or more copies with me to the reunion,
and even host a showing with discussion, if you and Ed would like that
– yes, my wife, Ardith, and I are planning to attend and have signed
up with Ed.
I’ll fill out a bio form for you as soon as I can. I’m a bit
pressed now because we’re leaving next week for a two week cycling
trip to Sicily, and work is pressing. In the meantime, I’ve attached
my CV (sorry it’s so long) so you can see what I’ve been up
to, and a recent picture (were we ever young?).
I’m in touch with Dr. Ronald K. St. John, my Peace Corps Doctor
partner in La Paz for two years. He lives in Ottawa and has had a very
distinguished career in public health from which he has just retired.
I’ve let him know about the reunion, but apparently he hasn’t
decided yet to sign up. I’ll be seeing him next month, so I’ll
pester him about it. Because of his retirement, his e mail has changed,
and I don’t have the new one on my office machine. I’ll get
it to you later....
Dick Fuchs, a Tb volunteer from the 60s is back in the Peace Corps teaching
English in Turkmenistan. He’s in his second year and won’t
be able to make the reunion, of course.
I have lots of pictures from Bolivia, but they are in 35mm slide format.
Can you work with those.
Looking forward to seeing you all again.
Bill Keck |
12. 3/15/2007
v2, n243..............(your
friendly Pues sequel) |
(1) Can folks help fill in the pieces...
What did folks do in San Francisco?
did we meet---was it Spaghetti Factory?
found a little hotel that many stayed in---what was it?
Who was Ambassador when we began?
was our first PCBolivia Director?
Any Che stories?
When was PCBolivia expelled from Bolivia?
did PC go back in?
(2) Work Sites in Bolivia are posted
on a Bolivian map.
check to see if your site(s):
Is LISTED correctly
Is LOCATED correctly
...well, sort of anyway.
(3) Waiting to hear from Scott Reed who contacted Tom
him up Scotty, please...
(4) Found Dr.Keck, McCabe Coolidge, Sue Bowman (Kauppi),
Jim Kauppi,
YOU SUE for your BIO!!!!!!
(5) Can you think of some questions? Some answers??
chuño? tunta?
was hot sauce called?
favor, pues?
Donaldo Beck
11. 3/14/2007
Bolivia Map has been added. Approximate locations
of service sites by end of service.
Please check to see
if your site has been located correctly. Help us locagte
your site correctly! We used Google earth, which seemed to have most,
but not all locales. |
10. 3/13/2007
Tom Gale's email address has been updated. Please
note and use the new address. Check
out Contact Information
(under People)
for this change. |
9. 3/7/2007
We are still looking for some people who served
as PCV's in our group. In sharing experiences, most of us have lost contact
with each other. Only a few have have kept in close contact. Some have
met by chance–McCabe Coolidge told me he had met Kevin Lynch
while camping in Maine!
If anyone knows the whereabouts of the
following, please let Jeff or Don
know |
Jim Baltz
John Fischer
Ed Landen
Kevin Lynch
Scott Reed
Training or In-Country
Ed Barnett
Anne Turborg
Dr. Keck
8. 3/7/2007
Located Bill Coolidge, who now goes by his middle
name: McCabe. He's in Virginia and is a potter. Welcome McCabe! He is
a writer as well--as can be seen in the Links
section, to some of the pieces he has contributed to PC Writers Group.
(Check under People -> Contact Informaton to find out how to contact
We were sorry to hear that Cathy
passed away several years ago, but hope he will tell us a bit about her
life after Peace Corps.
We look forward to hearing more about his exploits
and perhaps seeing him at the reunion?? |
7. 3/6/2007
Some Emails from those who are "still
writing their bios..."
FROM: Jules Beck
DATE: Sept 13, 2006
It's good to hear from you; I'd love to consider going to a reunion.
It's got to be fascinating to track the lives of our
group members. (The ambassador's last name was Castro, I forget his
first name; he'd walk his dog around the formal Sunday plaza promenade
in shorts.)
I taught high school in a town of 259 in South Dakota
for one year after getting home (chemistry, US history, world history,
Spanish I and Spanish II). I then went back to school for a Master of
Social Work degree and codeveloped an inner-city community involvement
program -- I ran the program as a community organizer for 10 years.
After that I became a technical writer for a number of years (my science
background led to that after Reagan's budget cutting dried up social
services for a good while). I got back into the business as Associate
Director of Hispanos en Minnesota, an outpatient clinic for chemical
treatment and education -- our clients were Hispanics, Somalis, and
Hmong with a rare Anglo thrown in. I did fund raising and ran the after-school
youth-at-risk program.
I then got into the disaster planning business (the
planning for recovery phase) and codeveloped a system in Spanish; I
installed software and trained people in disaster planning (Mexico,
Along the way I served on the board of the Minnesota
Civil Liberties Union, eventually serving three terms as president,
and battling with the National ACLU over a number of issues.
I taught at the Univ of MN for four years while working
on my Ph.D.; I've been an assistant professor here in Fayetteville for
two years and am entering my second year as tenure-track. My interests
are in international Human Resource Development and distance education.
Last year I facilitated some leadership development workshops in Honduras
in October, in West Africa in February, and in Eastern Europe in April.
I also have been fortunate enough to present some research at conferences
here and abroad -- I'll be in Malaysia in November-December sharing
some innovative distance education strategies (blended technology approaches).
I can't imagine what retirement would be like ... I'm
having too much fun right now, although getting used to the Southern
style of thinking and acting is like another incidence of culture shock.
Stay in touch now, hear!
--Julio "el Guapo" Beck
DATE: January 31, 2007
Karen and I developed a slide show that we took around to a number of
civic/social organizations--including yours truly in front of el comidor
and Scott Reed reclining in a hammock (I believe I also have a photo
of Bob Pruit after he fell out of a pickup, and had to be stitched up
by the doctor (in Cochabamba?).) One of our doctors might want to join
the reunion... I do have a copy of that slide show somewhere.
DATE: FEB 18, 2007
Hi Don,
No, I had not seen the site. Thanks for putting my
sketches up. Yes, I have a number of photos which I am willing to share,
if anyone is interested. I do not have the Internet at my home at the
moment. I need to replace the line from the telephone jack so it will
be a week or so before this is completed (hopefully). I am using my
daughter's computer to write this.
I am not sure I will be coming to the reunion. I have a problem of not
feeling that I should come because I did not stay for the 2 years. I
don't think I really belong. I have the same thought about anything
related to the Peace Corps. I will let you know soon.
Take care.
Peace, Trish
DATE: FEB 13, 2007
Thanks for all your work - I do plan to attnd the reunion. I'll be bunking
with Jeff and John.
I'm also looking for old 8mm film I took around Lake Titicaca during
training. I don't have a projector, but should I find it and any slides,
including those I took when I visited Bolivia from Guatemala a few months
before you all left, I will let you know.
6. 3/6/2007
Bob Pruitt bio revised-expanded. Thanks Bob! |
5. 3/5/2007
Sue Bowman (Kauppi) full bio posted. Thanks Sue!
4. 3/1/2007
From: Sue Bowman (Kauppi)
Date: March 1, 2007
Jim e-mailed me about the up-coming PCV summer reunion...sounds like
a good time to me.
Jim and I divorced in 1984 and both of us have remarried.
My husband and I moved to Tennessee about 5 years ago and love it. We
live in a golf/lake community, golf regularly and have an old pontoon
boat we take out on the dammed Tennesse River. Jim and my oldest son,
his wife and two children live in Nashville, TN (her folks live close
to us), so Jeff and family are here often. They bought a speed boat
to take out on the lake and it's docked near our boat. We really enjoy
swimming, fishing, skiing with the whole gang. I'm still working full
time; my husband has'd that happen?! I'll probably work
a few more years.
Anyway, stay in touch and keep me up to date on the
summer reunion!
Date: March 5, 2007
After returning home from the PC, Jim and I had two children. Jeffrey
David in 1970 and Phillip John in 1973. Both have grown up to be wonderful,
productive, caring men. I worked throughout their childhood as an RN
is Battle Creek, Michigan. During this time I earned my BSA degree.
In 1984, Jim and I divorced. I continued to work and also went on to
earn my MSN degree. In 1992, I remarried to Stenn Bowman. We moved to
Detroit where I taught at Madonna University for a year, then worked
in a Cardiology office as the nursing supervisor and cardiac rehab nurse.
We tired of the big city, long, fast commutes, so moved to a lake/ golf
community outside of Knoxville, TN. I continued to work as an MDS coordinator
in a skilled nursing/rehab center. Outside of work I golf, boat, garden,
read, knit, scrap book. My oldest son and his family (wife and two children)
live in Nashville, TN and come often. Both of my sons are athletes...starting
out in tri-athelons, marathons and now are doing Iron Men competitions...the
last 3 they have competed in together and the whole family goes to cheer
them on. I plan on retiring in 3 years.
That's it in a nutshell! I won't be able to attend
the August reunion because we'll be cheering the boys on in another
Iron Man in Louisville, KY. I'm so happy to have finally connected to
some of my old PC friends. I have so many good memories of those times.
By the way, I don't remember ever making bread, but I did make a mean
Sue's contact
info and bio form have been added and when she sends her bio update to
us we will post her full bio. Welcome Sue! Jeff
still talks about your bread in Atocha!!! Will you bring some to the reunion???
3. 2/27/2007
Jeff reports he has contacted Jim Kauppi...
I received your note this pm. Thank you!
You have the correct address in Michigan, but we're
currently in South Carolina and are having our mail forwarded. Sue and
I divorced a number of years ago, am I'm remaired. My wife's name is
Linda. I'll email Sue with the pertinent information, and most likely
she'll respond. She's also remarried, lives in Tennessee, and is doing
well. I retired a few years ago and we've been coming to South Carolina
for a few months in the winter for the last couple of years.
I've gone to the site and am impressed. I really enjoyed
looking it over. I've forgotten some of the camp details, etc. but remember
most of the volunteers pretty well - and you much more than most ( when
I saw the letter from you I thought it would be something like this).
As you may recall my Spanish was stinko. I'm currently (37 yrs late)
taking Intermediate Spanish, a Continuing Ed 8 week class via the USC.
Six senior citizens and one younger girl! I can spit it out pretty good,
but it's not pretty.
I am not sure about making the reunion, but we'll give
it some thought. We've both been doing some part time work in our small
town of Allegan (pop: 4,500). I've been working a couple of days a week
at a hardware store, and Linda at the local hospital.
Jim Kauppi
Jim's contact info and bio form have been added and when
he sends his bio update to us we will post it. Welcome Jim! Looking forward
to your bio update |
2. 2/26/2007
Tom Gale reports he has heard from Scott Reed ...
Finally, I tracked down Scott Reed. It was difficult
and tricky, but I knew where he might reside from contacts in the early
to mid-1980's. Scott and I had been in touch off and on from the end
of our Peace Corps service - a long wild story through the service and
About a year after our PC tour ended (we both stayed
in SA - Scott in Rio and me in Santa Cruz) we hooked up in California
before I married. He was an usher at my wedding in New Jersey in 1982
and lived nearby in N.Y. west of the Hudson River, visited me subsequently
here in Illinois a couple of times over several years after the wedding,
but we did not communicate for the last 20 years.
Anyway, Scott says he will send his contact info and
consider coming to the reunion - but I will leave that to him. He was
really thrilled to see your website and have the chance to connect to
our group. Both Scott and I were really thrilled to finally talk again
after all these years (we owe that to your efforts), and I hope (and
encourage) that he come to the reunion.
His bio form has been added and when he sends contact
info, we will post it. Hey Scott! Looking forward to hearing from you! |
1. 2/11/07
The email address for Jim Ciotti has been changed.
The previous post was not working.
Check out Contact Information (under
People) for this change. |