Annual Meeting

NPCA Statement on Peace

The NPCA Board of Directors released this statement on peace following their winter meeting in Providence, RI:

"The National Peace Corps Association and the Returned Peace Corps
Volunteers and Staff it represents are dedicated to the cause of world
peace.  To this end we served abroad helping less fortunate people to overcome conditions that
inter alia lead to violence and conflict. In doing so we formed bonds and friendships that gave us special, if not unique, insight into, and ability to work with, other people.  Through our work and personal relationships we gained a sound and clear understanding of the relationship between the despair born from want and discord emanating from that despair.

"We continue to work for world peace.  Following the horrific events of September 11, 2001, we reiterated

our dedication to this goal. We now view with great alarm the formidable challenge to world peace caused by widespread terrorism and how to deal with it.  However, we will not be dissuaded from our basic belief that true and lasting peace can only be achieved by eliminating the underlying causes that breed violence.

"Therefore, in accordance with our basic beliefs and understandings, we implore our fellow Americans and the people of all the nations of the world to follow our lead and join us in our work to bring about world peace though peaceful endeavor."

To learn more about NPCA peace programs, visit our website at

NPCA's Annual General Meeting and Presidents' Forum is scheduled for August 1st-3rd in Portland, OR.

Activities surrounding the meetings include workshops, an international
bazaar, a career fair, and a visit to the Celebrations Exhibit presented
by the Committee for a Museum of the Peace Corps Experience. 

The Annual Meeting will take place at the DoubleTree Hotel located in downtown Portland at 310 S.W. Lincoln Street.   NPCA will accept online registration for all activities at starting March 1st,; however, you must call the hotel directly for room reservations.  The group rate is US $85 per night for singe/double occupancy.  Please mention "TPHOLs" as our group name. The lodging reservation deadline for the Doubletree Hotel is Friday, July 21, 2003.   Reservations received after this date will be provided on a space available basis at market
rates. Reservations numbers are:  (503) 221-0450; 1-800-222-TREE or by fax at (503) 226-6260.

Congress Funds the Peace Corps

Congress approved the appropriations bill for FY03 in February.  The bill passed by votes of 338-83 in the House of Representatives and 76-20 in the Senate.  The package finances all non-military programs and was sent to President Bush for signature. The Peace Corps is provided $297 million, a $22 million increase over the FY02 level but still $20 million less than requested.

The bill also included a provision to modify Section 7 of the Peace Corps Act with regard to the five year rule.
The rule change now permits the Director of the Peace Corps to make ap

pointments for  employees to serve for periods in excess of 5 years in the case of individuals whose appointment or assignment involves the safety of Peace Corps volunteers. The examples given in the bill are positions such as regional safety security officers and employees within the Office of the Inspector General. 

What are your thoughts on changes in the five year rule? 2629/1012207.html

2004 National
NPCA Conference

Mark calendars now for the 2004 National Conference to be held in Chicago, IL from August 5th - 8th, 2004.  Local hosts, the Chicago Area Peace Corps Association (CAPCA), and the NPCA Board of Directors finalized the theme of the conference at the recent NPCA Board meeting in Providence, RI:  "Peace Corps 2004: Celebrating a Legacy of Service".

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