Greetings from Peace Corps / Peru. The doors are
open at our offices and the four transfer Volunteers have
almost a month under their belts in sites in Piura and Ancash.
Our staff tripled recently with the arrival of drivers,
secretaries and even a librarian!
Ken Goodson, our
Program Director, has been on the road almost non-stop since
his arrival in July. We are in the midst of looking for 30+
sites for the group of
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trainees scheduled to arrive in November.
will continue in the provinces of Piura and Ancash, but will
also throw Cajamarca into the mix. For those of you who served
in these areas you know how lovely they are and how great the
folks are.
Even though for most people Peace Corps is
a new idea there are always a few folks who remember Fulana or
Fulano the PCV of the late '60s or early '70s. So and
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so who was a great dancer or so and so who taught them
There are also a number of Volunteers who
have never left or came back years ago to settle down here in
Peru. These folks are also wonderful resources for the new
The Volunteers who transferred from other
Latin American countries are all working in
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Yachaspa always needs more articles. NPCA is dominated by RPCVs
who were teachers, largely in Africa. There are awards for
newsletters and now web sites (also individual RPCVs and RPCV
Relatively few Volunteers to Peru were
teachers and even fewer to Bolivia. I know this is
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a little like being back in school but the more of you
who participate in literary type activities, the more diverse
the viewpoints. RPCVs run the gamut in this regard.
are also adding a section of where we are and what were doing
-- yet to be titled. Former editor Dave Dolson
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(Bolivia RPCV), started a feature of
mini-biographies-what you did in the Peace Corps and what
you've been doing since.
Dave's two-year Board
term is over as of October 31, 2002. We hope he will
participate in various ways including as a contributing
editor. In addition to his
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time, Dave also made substantial contributions out of
his pocket. He simply did more than his budget allowed.
Mil gracias
We need RPCVs to serve as the Peru Editor / Bolivia
editor. Ray Brown is the acting editor of Yachaspa.
(Continued on page 3)
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