ence in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Por eso, habla castellano muy bien.
Howard explained that currently PC has approximately 160 volunteers in Bolivia, distributed primarily in the Southern Altiplano, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz. The PCVs are assigned to five program clusters. Charna provided me with a copy of the program descriptions:
1. Agriculture: Agriculture Volunteers work with local farmers and ranchers, government agencies and technicians, local cooperatives and other development organizations to improve animal and crop production through agroforestry, soil science, animal husbandry and improved agro-business and marketing practices. Ultimately, the project's goal is to improve healthy
food supplies, enhance income generation opportunities, and conserve natural resources in ways that benefit rural families and communities.
2. Basic Sanitation: Volunteers in the Basic Sanitation project provide technical assistance in designing, building and maintaining rural water systems, improving sanitary facilities (Continued on page 3)