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50th Anniv
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7327 University Avenue,
Glen Echo, MD. 20812
This information is current as of SEPTEMBER 17, 2011.
• NOTICE – Friday night (Sept 23) Peruvian Embassy reception is closed (full).
• CHANGE – NPCA has cancelled the Sunday, Sept 25 Afternoon Street Fair.
Check back to this site for updates, maps, etc. RSVP where indicated or refer to indicated contact persons, below. Other information can be obtained from Amigos de Bolivia y Peru Board members – 50th Anniversary Coordinator, Diane Hibino (trihib@verizon.net) or President, Gloria Levin (glorialevin@verizon.net). Contact Diane to learn about handicapped access.
- FRIDAY, September 23
- SATURDAY, September 24
Places to gather nearby before–between–after 3 starred * events
- SUNDAY, September 25
- Arlington Cemetery Special 50th Program, 10 am – 2 pm
- CANCELLED NPCA Afternoon Street Fair
For other sponsored 50th anniversary events:

Events for both Bolivia and Peru

Saturday, September 24, 3:30 – 4:30 pm
Celebration honoring Gino Baumann
School of International Service (SIS), American University (AU)
Founders Room (lower level), 4400 Nebraska Ave., N.W., Washington
[See photos below of location.]
Take Metro to Tenleytown-AU Station; transfer to free Blue Route shuttle down Wisconsin Ave, around Tenley Circle and up Nebraska Ave. to the main campus, descend at second stop at Ward Bldg. If you are driving, there is free parking in the university lot across from SIS at New Mexico Ave and Nebraska Ave.
Gino Baumann (now a resident of Costa Rica), was PC/Representative for the Arequipa, Peru region, 1963-1967 and then PC/Bolivia County Director, 1967-1971. He greatly influenced a generation of PCVs and staff who are pleased to honor him on his visit to the U.S. (Organizers: Former Deputy Director, PC/Bolivia Fred Caploe, fcaploe@earthlink.net, and Stacy Rhodes, Bolivia RPCV 68-70 and current Chief of Staff, Peace Corps).
Bring mementos or written tributes to Gino to be added to an album that will be presented to him.

chool of International Service

(above) Lobby School of International Service.............(above) Stairs to lower level, SIS
(below) Back of Founders Room, lower level, SIS.

Saturday, September 24, 4:30 – 6 pm
Open House (host: Amigos de Bolivia y Peru)
School of International Service (SIS), American University (AU)
Founders Room (lower level), 4400 Nebraska Ave., N.W., Washington
[See photos above of location.]
Take Metro to Tenleytown-AU Station; transfer to free Blue Route shuttle down Wisconsin Ave, around Tenley Circle and up Nebraska Ave. to the main campus, descend at second stop at Ward Bldg. If you are driving, there is free parking in the university lot across from SIS at New Mexico Ave and Nebraska Ave.
This event follows the celebration for Gino Baumann. Open house hosted by Amigos de Bolivia y Peru (http://www.amigosdeboliviayperu.org) – the alumni association for all RPCVs and staff from Bolivia and Peru. Beverages and snacks will be served. Meet the early and the recent returned Peace Corps volunteers and staff from both countries. |

Sunday, September 25, 10 am – 2 pm
Arlington Cemetery Special 50th Program
Amphitheater, Arlington National Cemetery (10 – 11:30 am)
This event honors the legacy of PC and John F. Kennedy. It has been organized by RPCV/Washington (Coordinator, Kristina Owens, Bolivia RPCV and daughter of Bob Owens, Peru RPCV)

Walk of Flags (12:30 – 2pm)
Wear Andean dress if possible. Walk across Memorial Bridge to the Lincoln Memorial. RPCVs Jeff Lovelace and Kathleen Williams-Ging will carry the Bolivian and Peruvian flags, respectively. Midway, they will hand off the flags to others to carry, and for a photo opportunity.
Sunday, September 25, 1- 4 pm

Events related to Bolivia

Friday, September 23, 7pm
Bolivian dinner
Tutto Bene Restaurant
501 N. Randolph Street,
Arlington, VA
(5 blocks to Metro station at Ballston – MU; free parking alongside restaurant or validated parking in Ballston Commons Mall garage)
Bolivian Cuisine.
• Please RSVP to Diane Hibino at trihib@verizon.net |

Saturday, September 24, 2 – 3:30 pm
Bolivia country update
School of International Service (SIS), American University (AU)
Founders Room (lower level), 4400 Nebraska Ave., N.W., Washington
[See photos above of location.]
Take Metro to Tenleytown-AU Station; transfer to free Blue Route shuttle down Wisconsin Ave, around Tenley Circle and up Nebraska Ave. to the main campus, descend at second stop at Ward Bldg. If you are driving, there is free parking in the university lot across from SIS at New Mexico and Nebraska Avenues.
Moderator: Diane Hibino, 50th Anniversary Coordinator of Amigos de Bolivia y Peru (trihib@verizon.net)
Speaker: Remigio Ancalle, Current APCD of Peace Corps/Bolivia (program in suspension since September 2008) |

Events related to Peru
Note: Some Peru RPCVs will be staying at the L’Enfant Plaza Hotel, 480 L’Enfant Plaza in southwest DC. Contact Sheila Hession, Sales/Marketing, 202-646-4418 and ask for the Peace Corps reunion rate.

Friday, September 23, 7 pm
Cocktail Reception
Peruvian Chancery (Embassy)
17th and Massachusetts Ave., NW
(2 blocks from Dupont Circle Metro station on Red line)
This event is by confirmed invitation only and is now fully subscribed.
- Beverages and hors d'oeuvres will be served.
- Coats and ties for men; appropriate dress for women.
- This event is now fully subscribed. Those who have been confirmed (by email) have been asked to contribute $10 per person, to be collected by Mike Wolfson (arequipamike@juno.com; cell 703-598-5834) during the weekend but NOT at the embassy.
- A gallery of 100 photos of Peru PCVs, former and current, will be displayed at the Embassy. Lindsey Carrasco (lindseyecarrasco@gmail.com) organized this display.

Saturday, September 24, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Peru country update
Tenley-Friendship Branch Library
(DC Public Library, tenleylibrary@dc.gov)
4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington, DC.
Located at the Tenleytown-AU Metro Station (on the red line which ends at Shady Grove). [See photos below of location just below.]
Parking is very limited in the area; parking meters are enforced. Consider parking at American University on Nebraska Avenue (Near the afternoon events. See map) and take AU's free blue route shuttle bus to the Tenleytown-AU Metro station (adjacent to the library). Leave extra time for this transfer.
This event will combine informal mixing, artisan displays, photos and a panel of RPCV speakers about Peru, Peace Corps and Amigos de Bolivia y Peru, with a question and answer period to follow. Please bring mementos (photos especially) of your time in Peru, written news of deceased friends, etc.

(above) Street at Tenley-Friendship Library.................(above) Entrance to the Tenley-Friensip Library
(below) Entry to the meeting room.................................(below) Meeting room at Tenley-Friensip Library 
Informal lunch will follow at 12:30 at nearby restaurants (See list), after which you can take the American University shuttle bus (See map) to the main AU campus for the Celebration of Gino Baumann (3:30) and the Open House sponsored by Amigos de Bolivia y Peru (4:30). See Events for both Bolivia and Peru, above.
RSVP for this event to Patt Behler (pabehler@socket.net; 573-635-0608).
- David Scott Palmer (Peru, the original group 3) http://www.bu.edu/ir/faculty/alphabetical/palmer
Professor of International Relations and Founder of Latin American Studies, Boston University. Scott will brief us on Peru’s current populist politics and the changes since the political climate of 1962, when PC first entered Peru.
- Ralph Bolton (Peru, again the original group 3)
President, Chijnaya Foundation and Anthropology Professor, Pomona College. Ralph returned to his PCV community (Chijnaya), 40 years later, and created a foundation that is benefiting the villages in that area of the Andes, promoting development on many levels for the future. http://www.chijnayafoundation.org
- Michael Hirsh (Peace Corps/Peru Country Director, 2005-2010 and RPCV/Bolivia, 1970-1971) Michael will tell us about the new Peace Corps program from the viewpoint of staff, concentrating on the program since PC’s return to Peru in 2002.
- Lindsey Eaves Carrasco (the new Peru 2, 2003-2005)
Secretary, Amigos de Bolivia y Peru, Lindsey will tell us about PCV life (cell phones, the internet, etc.) since Peace Corps returned to Peru in 2002. As of this date, 17 PCV groups have or are serving in Peru, 2002 to 2011.

Saturday, September 24, 6:30 pm
Peruvian dinner
El Chalan Restaurant
1924 I. St., NW,
Washington (2 blocks from either Farragut West or Foggy Bottom Metro Stations)
Peruvian cuisine. Seating is limited to 80, reserved in blocks of 20. Please bring cash for dinner to facilitate payment.
• Please RSVP to Mike Wolfson
with your name, email, postal mailing address, cell phone number and dates/place of your Peru PC service -- Arequipamike@juno.com; cell 703-598-5834. |
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